Cleaned the inside glass which was NASTY! (been gone for 4 days) Stirred up the sand to get rid of the crap growing on/in it. (Still have no idea what it is) Tested Nitrates and Phosphates. (>5.0/0.0 respectively) Fed the fish some squid and a pinch of Rod's. Cleaned skimmer cup. Adjusted light, stage right. (turned down a bit) Counted fish, yep, all still there. Turned on RODI unit. Transferred mixed water to Heating/pumping station. Added salt to mixing station.
WC tomorrow. SG test and various other test. Gotta get to the LFS and pick up some new phosban and reload the reactor. Going to clean out the other reactor and set it up for Carbon. Going to install filter sock for a weeks run.
Then I'll be caught up and maybe buy a new coral.