What have you done to your reef tank today?

Looked at the crazy nest of power cords trying to think of a cleaner, more efficient way of handling power delivery - and cleaning up the cords from the AI units hanging over my tank. I've been really lazy in engineering the electrical side of things, and I need to fix that
I just installed 2 ATI Purple Plus, and 2 ATI Blue Plus bulbs that I picked up at Reefgeek while I was down in L.A. for the holiday.

Also picked up a JBJ ATO that I plan on installing on the frag tank.
Did a big scrub-a-dub-dub of GHA whilst doing a 20% water change (yesterday). Cleaned skimmer cup, pulled out chaeto, and rearranged some corals. Unfortunately, I accidentally shifted a big piece of base rock and thought I killed my Diamond goby. HE'S ALIVE!! And well and rearranging my handiwork to his liking! LOL
Well, wasn't exactly today, but New Years day I did a 35 gallon water change, Pulled out the sump and cleaned it, the skimmer, the pumps. Finally removed all the power strips and installed the EB8's for my Apex. Then went to the computer and programmed the the plugs:bounce:
Taking care of a strange fungus that spread like wildfire on one of my rocks. Did a small water change, cleaned my powerheads...saved the same tipped over snail that I save everyday. I swear, one day those hermit crabs will get to him before I do...
On the 90, I pulled the bio-pellets offline. Refreshed my gfo, cleaned skimmers, sump, all pumps/powerheads. 40g water change.

5.5 ,added a ton of FRAGS, changed the chemi pure elite, puigen, and did 3g water change
I soaked/cleaned out the entire skimmer unit :D I noticed the water level wasn't going up anymore no matter how much I opened the valve. So I took it out, did a dilluted vinegar soak, ran it for an hour w/ the mix, took it apart, rinsed out. I just hope that fixes the problem, otherwise, I'll be very upset at Reef :shock: I practically traded my old Jetta for this LOL!!!!!!!!