the 210 gallon in wall project

Pros: Those are fish that only people with big tanks can keep, so they are more stunning!

Cons: Uhhhh... None? I love big fish!
School of Anthias...saw one on RC...had like 27 in a school...along with the other angels and tangs, but they were fantastic swimming over the coral.

700g+ T5 & Sunlit Reef System - Page 3 - Reef Central Online Community

For those interested my fish list is:

Powder Blue Tang - Acanthurus Leucosternon
Clown Tang - Acanthurus Lineatus
Blue Tang - Paracanthurus Hepatus
Yellow Tang - Zebrasome Flavescens
Blue Throat Trigger (M) - Xanthichthys Auromarginatus
Emperor Angel - Pomacanthus Imperator
Mystery Wrasse - Pseudocheilinus Ocellatus
Lineatus Wrasse Pair - Cirrhilabrus Linneatus
Flame Hawk - Neocirrhites Armatus
Squareblock Anthias Pair - Pseudoanthias Pleurotaenia
Harem of mixed Anthias x 27 inc. Lyretail, Dispar, Stocky & Flame - Pseudoanthias Squamipinis, Dispar, Hypselosoma, Cooperi
Well after a conversation with my buddy, the one that hooked me up with the free fish and LR we finally agreed that if I move everything from the 75 today that it should all but prevent a cycle just cause the rock is already processing via biology. So..... I've started. The 75 should be empty sometime this evening and so should the qtank. I'll let y'all k ow how it goes.
Alrighty. Everyone got moved in last night along with all the rock from the 75. There's still all the snails and crabs and stuff in the 75. They will get moved today.

Everyone is looking about as good as to be expected the morning after a major move. The only 2 I haven't seen eat so far this morning is snowflake and the mandrin. Well the mandrin never did take anything I offered, and snowflake took a bad thrashn in the move he jumped from my transport bucket to the floor. Got a towel and got him acclimated and in the tank. But he was thrown off lots of slime. Looks a little calmer this morning.
yea, went about as smooth as mov'n fish can go...

ok, well, now, more personality, thats an interesting selling point...

well, i know i wanna get a couple more foxfaces, cause this one that i have is lonely and just skiddish, we've named him panicy pete.. and to me that is a larger fish, but you gotta remember i come from 20 years of freshwater 20 gallon tanks... so.... zebra danios and placastomus were cool... hehehehe

oh, and spent a little time talk'n to the wife last night about lighting, and we thing we've decided that what we'll do is tear apart the canopy i built, and use the 4 foot bulbs, and build a new light fixture for the 210, one where the bulbs overlap in the middle.....

so, now i gotta decide just how i wanna build it, but i can tell you its not gonna be some light weight flimsy one-by construction... this time its gonna have some meat to it, that way i can mechanicaly raise and lower it and not have to wory about it twisting and a bulb falling out...

infact, i'm seriously thinking about building the framework out of thin-wall 1 inch box tubing, cause i can build anything with that stuff, and its light, and strong, and reasonably priced... and i have the tools to work it... hmmm
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heres everything and every one, i gotta work on lighting and stuff before any of my pictures are gonna come out worth anything...


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Would it be possible to make it out of aluminum tubing? It still be strong but a lot lighter than a steel frame.

The tank is looking real good too:Cheers:
Sure would, and could, but I don't have a tig welder or a spool handle, so I can't weld alum. Not to mention that alum is more expensive than thinwall.

Lighter would be cool. But if I can pull off what I have in my head it's gonna be counterballanced so weight won't be an issue.

Thanks. I'm pretty happy sor far but I've gotta get in there and do some serious aquascaping.
OH well, just trying to help out with your thinking. Wasnt sure if you had the equipment but one never knows.

I cant wait to see what you have thought up.
alrighty, measurements from this morning

amonia = 0.1 (very little but definately something there)
nitrite - 0
nitrate = 5ppm (finally!!!)
SG = 1.025
PH = 8.2 to 8.3(the lights just came on, its morning, and the electronic meter was flip-flopping back and forth from .2 to .3, so i figure i'm close enough...

and today is go to the store day... they are having a sale today cause they're gonna be closed for a week for "maint" so... i'll have to see what they have... but now that i have a q tank, i can get things, and not worry as much about any nasties i bring home...

I'm thinking i need some turbo snails, maybe some crabs, what else???
OH well, just trying to help out with your thinking. Wasnt sure if you had the equipment but one never knows.

I cant wait to see what you have thought up.

appreceiate it, i love new ideas, even if i dont use that idea, it might spark something else in my brain, so suggest away!

Looks great! Are you planning on painting the back wall?

actually, i've decided that rather than painting the back or sides of the tank, i'm gonna go with a curtain arrangement... this way i can see in frm the back of the tank... and put it up and take it down whenever i need to... i just used some of the "3M Command" strips, stuck 'em on, and bingo...

oh, also just got the new steel price list off the fax machine, 1x1 thinwall box tubing is about 0.50 a foot, so plenty cheap enough...
also, yesterday, i got my bulkhead installed and the float valve installed in the 45 gallon RO storage tank...


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That's funny, I was thinking something like that would be a great idea for people with in-wall tanks! What if you used velcro instead of the sticky tape though?
Well the hooks are stickies to the trim of the tank. Velcro would work too, but it would require me to sew one side of the Velcro to the material. This way no matter what I wanna hang, it only takes 5 tiny holes.