the 210 gallon in wall project

my plan is to do both to be honest, i have some that's curing that i made, and i have all the rock thats in my 75 that i'll be moving over to the 210....

yea, poor little lonely damsel... oh well...

i was wondering if i shouldnt put the other damsels in there, but i think that they are big enough to survive the eel, so i'm not sure putting them in there would be good for them.. tho, with as much water volume as there is in that system, it might just take a year before that one little d can put out enough amonia to amount to anything that i can measure...
so i ran out of amonia test chemicals this morning when i was doing my morning check of everything, so i went to the LFS, got a new amonia test, and i got a calcium test, never had one, so i tested the 210, its over 600, but i dont know how much, it was the first one that i tested, and i wasnt sure about the color change, so i just stopped counting drops at 30... and then i tested the 75 and i got 440 on the nose, so now i know what the color change looks like, and i can say that yes, the 210's calcium is over 600... course, its basically all new saltwater, new sand, and old rock, and nothing to use it up really yet....

also picked up some more loc-line parts, i'm gonna split each side of the SCWD's output so that i end up with 4 "jets" pointing in 6 directions... hehehe that should spread out the flow and give it some randomness, cause that'd be 10 sepperate sources of flow, so far....

oh, and i also picked up a couple more of thoes harbor freight pumps i like so much, the 258gph ones... i'm gonna use them kinda like D2mini did with his RO and salt mix tanks...
so, while i was at the LFS yesterday, it was suggestd that i take the other damsels that i have in my q-tank and put them in the 210, cause at over 300 gallons total, its gonna take a year for that one little damsel to produce enough amonia to do anything...

anyone have input on this? I dont wanna put them in there if i reasonably believe that they will die, i did that one little one cause i think he will, but the others i think may be big enough to survive the eel, so... i'd like the tank to hurry up, but it was suggested that i may never actually see any "spikes" cause i'm using already cured LR and a huge water vol...

well i did put a few of the krill i feed snowflake in there when i first put the water and sand in... and i've been "feeding" the tank every other day just a tiny bit of the mysis/brine combo when i feed everyone else...

oh, and the last 3 times that i went to the grocery, the seafood counter was closed and no one would help me... so i couldnt get any shrimp that werent already pre packaged heat and eat kinda stuff... all the good stuff wasnt accessable...
I thought I heard someone say that they even bought frozen whole shrimp from the market and put one of those suckers in there...might be an option if the seafood counter is always closed.
well, its been a productive day, i got my tanks to do kinda what D2Mini did with his RO and mixing tanks... i was originally gonna go wtih 2 - 35 gallon tanks, but i found out that they just wouldnt fit under my stand... so, i called tank-depot, talked to a couple really nice guys, and they suggested i come over to the place, bring my tape measure and find something that would work... well, come to find out there is a tank depot in south san antonio, so, yea!!

so i drive out, and we figure out that he has a 40 gallon horozontal tank, and a 20 gallon sump tank that will fit beautifully... i get them, get home with them, and here ya go...

now i just gotta un-wrap em, clean em, drill and plumb em and bingo, RO storage, salt mixing facilities, and all of it under the tank that was unused space..

oh, and yall just wait till you get a look at what i'm gonna build for the salt mixer... i'm not gonna have to crawl under the stand to get to the hole in the top of the tank, i'm gonna make me a salt insertion point so that i can just pour salt into a opening in a pipe, and the mixing pump will take care of the rest... oh this is gonna be SWEET!

frozen huh? should i still do that now? or should i just move every one in? i mean i have all the known good rock in the 75, so if i dump that in there and put all the fish in there, there shouldnt be too much die off, and so that should be able to keep up even if the other rock is totally dead, and i have to believe that its still good and live, so....

i guess i'm asking, do ya'll think i should dump everybody into the 210 and just ride out whatever happens? should i still go the shrimp? i'm just unsure of my best move, and the pro's and cons of each of the alternatives...


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I don't think a few damsels are going to make a difference in a tank that size, especially because you already have rock in there.
Yea I know... Or well I figured but thought I'd make sure.. :mrgreen:

so... Who and in what order and how fast?
I have the foxface, the pink anomenoe fish, the black and white aggressive damsel, and the 2 purple headed damsels in the q-tank.... And inthe 75 I have the clown, the 18 inch eel, the banggi cardinal, and the mandrin.
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I'd go with the clowns first,then the foxface,the bangii and mandrine,then the eel and the damsels last.
I'd wait a week between each move.
The rock would be moved as soon as the all the fish fish was oput of the 75.
Oh yea? Ok well then I better do my last tests and make sure something isn't outta whack. And then I can try and catch a clown outta each tank and start aclimating them.
Well I was able to catch the pink anemone fish in the qtank and get him into the 210 but I tried to catch memo in the 75 and I just can't catch him!

So I'm wondering if I shouldn't just do it all right now all the rock all the fish everything. I'm just wondering with my poor fish catchn skills if I'm not gonna be better of not creakn them out every few days and just do it once. Plus if I do the rock now then it'll be outta the way so I can catch the fish.
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Have you considered going with a larger amount of angels, tangs, and anthias schools since you have the opportunity with a larger tank?