Stephanie's 20H Reef


Reefing newb
Ok so I started a 20H on Friday 11/27. I decided to do black live sand~ new for me and im hoping it will look spiffy ;-) All I have is this crappy pic I took on Friday night, super gross from the live sand lol. I added some LR on Sat night and a background as well. As of sunday morning it was all clear! Ill try to take some more pics tomorrow and post them. How do i put the pic directly in the post instead of the attachment?

Give me a break- this tank is gonna go slow cuz i kust broke my hand and cant be splashing around!

Any ideas of what to put in this tank would be appreciated!! This is my 4th tank lol.


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Looks good.

You could try a pair of clowns and some shrimps, a bunch of cleaner crew and some softies (mushrooms, etc). But make sure you go through the cycle first before you add anything.

Do you have protein skimmer?

Other fish, maybe a cardinal or a fire fish or a goby...others will prob have more suggestions.

Keep the pics coming :D
Ok so this has been dormant for awhile SORRY! lol. I recently found out the end of Nov/ begining of Dec that we are expecting a little one (by utter accident!)! So now the money I would be using for saltwater is kinda going towards baby stuff! But I figured I would update the pics I have so far!

Here is the begining of Dec- It cleared up and some peices of live rock were added...


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Ok then like yesterday my nano cube light went out and its gonna take them 3 WEEKS to get me a freakin light! So i moved everything over into the 20 gal (watching with caution!) because I didn't want my corals and my pretty rocks to go that long without light...So here are the pics now...

(sun coral and tube worm are hanging out in baggies getting used to it :) lol


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I am really going to try! My boyfriend told me to just scrap the nano cube and do one tank :( He said if I did that he would buy me fish lol. So that would be the only GOOD thing about scrapping the nano cube. But I like it and if I could maybe find something inexpensive to put in it instead he would probably let me keep it. Right now I need to get a power head for the 20. I just popped in a stupid little sponge filter thing to get water moving more...
Seriously- this site is bad for my health!!! lol! Im looking at ALL these tank setups and now im about ready to go put my sun coral and feather duster in the tank but NOPE! NOT untill I rearrange rocks...and its already past 1am lol...I guess being pregnant will keep me out of the bars with my girlfriends and at home doing saltwater stuff haha
Tank looks a bit crowded!! ;)

I think you should still keep the other tank. You don't have to do anything expensive with it. Right now, I have a 10-gallon tank that's ricordea only. And honestly, I'm liking it more than I like my 90 gallon mixed reef.
Congratulations on the up-coming frag Steph.:D And the tanks looking good.
Maybe keep the nano for a frag tank:dunno:
Are you serious that it is too full or are you kidding? lol. And yeah, I think I might just get a nice piece of live rock and then turn it into SOMETHING...or the frag idea is kinda cool. Idk, I usually just dice and shove tooth picks in everyone in my reg tanks lol...probably not good, but still..
I didn't mean it was too full -- I was just commenting on what you said about how your light died on your other tank, so you had to move all of its contents into this tank.