Ryans Reef

Im thinking if you tried a little faster shutter speed the picture would be a little more clear and would cut down on the over exposure of the tips. maybe one stop more. Just an idea.
Hey so Im not dead, been in a major funk lately and the heavy OT season has begun. Ill be around a little more soon enough I think.
I was starting to think you'd forgot about us :D
Get that OT while you can,it wont last forever.
Im thinking that Im going to tear down this system...not to get out, just to cook my rock and reload with a 220 and eliminate this GD closed loop system. It eats CUC like a freaking trigger. I need to find a fish/coral sitter though before I can do that.
Why not just get the 220 started,then the day you move the rock over,scrub the hell out of em.
Thats what I did when I went to the 125,and the hair hasnt been back(knocking on wood).
Yote the only space that I have to put a six foot tank on an interior wall in my house is where the 180 sits. I guess I could set up a 90 for my fish and corals and work on getting the 220 set up. I would need to build a new stand as Im still not really digging the one I have, I like the way it looks but I dont really trust it.

Do you think that I could temporarily keep a 5" naso a 3.5" yellow and 3" kole in a 90?
I wouldnt trust em a 90.That might a little too cramped for em.
I see what your saying too about placing the tank.
Holy sheet! I can't believe its been this long since I've posted anything in this thread! I've made my first additions to this tank since god knows how long, I grabbed a Palau Nepthia and a bonded pair of Percula's tonight. Photos to come tomorrow.
MAN,I'm sure happy that you started stockin that tank.:D
Cant wait to see the pics of the new additions.:bounce: