Photo Class Homework

Photo Class Participants:

I can not make the test run tonight of the new chat format. We will do the regular class this week and try for the new chat trial next Sunday. Sorry.

BJ, I love your texture shots! Very nice that you still kept the basic rules of composition going even when you were looking at the textures. The ball of bread would look awful had you put it smack in the middle and the crust makes a nice angled line with good negative space. Nicely done. We need to work on your white balance but that's coming soon.

Your shape shots work very well, too! The power lines is a perfect example of breaking the rules perfectly! Normally you wouldn't want to put the subject in the middle like that but it really works in the shot! You framed it well with the trees. The negative spaces read well and you've got contrasting textures which adds a bit of mystery. In your second shot like AG said, your tree line is well composed and the snow drift keeps your eye in the shot. I do believe you guys are getting this!

Keep up the good work!


We've got two more nights of basic composition and then we've got a choice to make about where we go next. Usually, I do exposure and then we do subjects. Exposure is using your camera and editing software. Subjects is the most fun part to me. This is where we really put to use all those lessons we've been doing and make your photographs really meaningful. Subjects we've got so far include people, tanks and place/ travel. I know we're going to loose a couple people when we move on to exposures because they've got auto cameras. Is it possible that we could add a Thursday class for the exposure people and keep the Tuesday class for Subjects? That way we won't loose anyone and we will still cover the technical aspects of photography. We've got two more classes of basic composition so I would want to start the Thursday Exposure class next week.

Let me know what you want to do,
I would love to start in on exposure class. however Thursdays do not work for me in the least bit. I will only be able to show up to class on tuesdays.

BTW I use adobe lightroom. Its AMAZING Now I just need a new computer so editing doesnt take so damn long!
Thanks for the input C. I will have to admit that all of those pics were cropped to get rid of extra junk.:mrgreen:

The power lines one I think works because you have the two trees bringing your eyes up into the picture then the actual lines bringing your eyes to the tower

Also, I might sit in on the exposure classes since my camera has some adjustments but not much. I think it goes to +3 EV to -3EV. If that is even exposure at all. Plus it might be good to just listen in and gain the knowledge for when I do get a more advanced camera
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My texture homework:



And my shape homework.... tonight's theme is CIRCLES! This assignment was really hard for me. I found a lot of shapes in "unnatural" things-- buildings and so forth-- but I really wanted to find shapes in natural things. Unfortunately, it was harder than I expected.




and the last is kind of a texture and shape picture...

Photo Class:

If you get a chance, try to watch these two videos before class tonight:

This one has had the sound disabled! Yeah! How many elements of composition can you find? Your looking for: Line, Shape, Texture, Light, Color, Space, Form!

[ame=]YouTube - Kane Opening[/ame]

Isn't it amazing!

This one, ONLY WATCH THE FIRST 2:18 MINS! Once the lady starts yacking, turn it off!

Tonight our topic is color. When you watch this scene ask yourself, "Why is Catherine showing me a scene from a Black and White movie when she's going to talk about color?"

Hint: it helps if you turn the sound down on this one too!

[ame=]YouTube - Hidden Meanings in Citizen Kane -[/ame]

See you tonight!
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That's a face? I was wondering what it was. My best guess was a swollen stubbly armpit. Or very hairy sideboob.

EEEEWWWWWW... biff that's horribly disgusting.

I was trying to find a texture inside my house (since it was dark outside...and rainy...) that wasn't "soft" like the rest of the ones I could find. My ex's 2-day beard fit that bill. Plus, he hates it when I make fun of his hairiness, so it's a double bonus for me. :mrgreen:
Tanked, You certainly found some interesting textures!

When I look at your shots the one thing that really stands out is that you tended to ignore the other basic rules of composition whilst shooting your textures. The moon shot is well-placed but what about that Riccordea? What's up with that? And, the bird? I wanted you to take the textures and kind of make them abstract. Line up their shapes and spaces like a puzzle. We are working on placement!

In my opinion, the only shot that reads well out of your group is the beard. Think about it, that's the only one that really elicited an emotional response! Your negative space compliments your positive space well. The shape of the chin keeps the eyes moving and you really hold the viewer's eyes on your page. The other shots look like snap shots to me. Snap shots have their place in photography but we're going for something more! We'll talk about this in depth tonight!

ok so my pictures really suck lately but I did it anyways.

Here are LINES







pond algae


frozen dead squash vine.

Alexander, before I comment on your shots, I want to know why you introduced your pictures with this comment:

"ok so my pictures really suck lately but I did it anyways. "

See, you set me up to hate your shots! I was thinking that I actually really liked some of your pictures but you told me that they suck so am I wrong to like your pictures? What's wrong with me that I liked your shots? Are you like one of those obnoxiously thin blonde girls that eat one french fry and then complain about how fat they are? Stop that, it bugs me.
