Photo Class Homework

AG, these are good shots. Very nice use of shape as a compositional element. If you go and look at the examples on the photos page, you'll see the shots we talked about on Tuesday just SCREAM lines! Since this is an exercise I think you would benefit from breaking out of your shell a little bit and really LOOK for those lines. We aren't necessarily looking for good photographs but we are looking for successful photographs. Does that make sense? When you go to the gym, you're working on your butt exercises so when you slide on your favorite pair of jeans, your butt looks awesome. Think of these exercises as going to the gym. If you learn to move a viewer's eyes around using only lines then when you get to the majesty of your environment your lines will just sparkle. Does that make sense?

Here was my other set of photos I took yesterday, looking for lines.




Sorry didnt make it my mother had a tank emergency today and I needed to go help her. Just got home a few minutes ago. Was nothing big but she lost a fish she has had for years she didnt notice her heater was shot. She has a freshwater tank and the temp was 60. Anyway I thought I would get back in time but you know mothers.
AG, I think your second set of shots were much more successful at finding those lines! Don't forget about your editing. There is a lot of information in those shots, especially the second shot of the trees that doesn't need to be there for your shots to scream LINES. Remember when we talked about this shot:

What's there that shouldn't be? Look closely at your shots, what do you see that doesn't need to be there? Get rid of it!!!!!!

You've got some nice shots, Yote.

In the first shot of the cannons, where does your eye go first? Mine goes to the big wheel then to the cannon barrel thing and then right off the page. Remember, we want to capture the attention of our viewers, not send them on their way! I would also like to see more line in your line shots. Stick that camera in the wheels where those repetitive lines are and make them sing!

Your second shot of the road to me is more of a shape shot? That road to me is too wide to read as a line.

The next two are pretty good you're starting to get the line thing.

Love the deer! That first group looks awfully close the the middle of the shot????? And they are looking off the page, makes me look off the page. Place them so their gaze goes into the shot instead of out of it. Hang on to these, we are going to do some exercises with horizon lines that will help make these really interesting!

Did you feel yourself look at your world differently?

Did you feel yourself look at your world differently?

Well.I have noticed the lines of duct work and branch lines more.:D But thats because today is the first that I've had time to get my camera out.And had to take the day off to be able to do that.