Photo Class Homework

Andysgirl(your are going to have to tell us you name, typing out your screen name is rather tedious :lol:) can I play Catheine for a moment? If not just humor me for a moment, I find the house to be sort of distracting in your picture. I would personally try to crop out the male on the right and the house. Just show the male and female mallards on the left side of the frame for a fantastic print worthy shot. JMO, again it is an awesome photo. I love ducks!
Yeah, I didn't like the houses either. I kept a shot for myself that is cropped almost exactly as you described. It ended up as my favorite shot! Name is Carolyn. :)
can I play Catheine for a moment? If not just humor me for a moment,

Guys, your opinions are extremely important here, I'm trying to give a few days before I comment because I want you to give your thoughts. In this class, I am coaching you through some exercises to help you "see" better ways to shoot your pictures. Often, especially in these early compositional exercises, I don't really care how your pictures look, I care how well you followed the assignment because these assignments are designed to get you to try new things. Don't feel shy about giving your opinions!

Ok I dont know if I did this right. I dont have the book yet, maybe next week but here are 4 pics I took and then cropped a different way for me. In the past I always cropped to just get the main interest bigger.
Andysgirl, you've got some great shots there!

The first shot of the trees. This isn't entirely successful for two reasons. First, your trees in the "centered" shot have a backwards angle to them, see how the second tree is back and to the right? That gives the eye some movement. I want you to be able to either center your shot or give it some angular movement. It's a good picture but the idea here is for you to gain control of using this photographic technique. Either center it or don't. The second shot of the trees is confusing. The trees are in the quadrant but there is a strong angle created by the hill. Remember, the point of this exercise is to use your subject to move the viewers eyes around the picture frame. Your trees are in the quadrant but then for the eyes to move away and back into the frame there is a hill blocking that movement. Does that make sense? I don't know if you can get back to those trees, but I think it would be valuable for you to go there and really walk around and analyze the placement of this subject. Hold your hands up in front of your face and create a rectangle to look through. Ask yourself, how would this shot be different if I put the trees here, or here? What is that hill doing to the overall composition? Is there a cloud or something I can use to create an angle to the background?

This is a fabulous failure! You made all the right mistakes to figure out this lesson! Good job!

Andysgrl, what do you think about this crop of your ducks?


What I tried to do was create an angle starting at the bottom left and then use the line starting at the duck's feet and angling up along the body. I think it gives the feeling of the flight a bit better? What do you think?

AG, the pictures of the ducks in flight is amazing, the texture looks like you've painted them there!

I think when you did the crop you didn't look at the visual weight created by the tree. In the cropped version, the tree is smack in the middle of the picture and the tree is visually heavier than any of the birds. Try giving a crop with just the bird in the top right of your shot and put him in the bottom left quadrant. There are other crops you could use that would incorporate all the birds but don't forget about your lines created by your background!

AG, I love the last one of the two trees too! There is a visual tension created by the empty space between the trees. In that space you managed to catch a great sky feature that gives depth to your shot. Awesome get!

You did a good job of placing the subject in a quadrant. Notice, in your second shot how you put the moth (?) in the upper right quadrant. By doing that your little guy is looking right out of the picture frame which makes the viewer's eye run right out of your shot. As a photographer, we want to hold our viewer's attention. Let's give them a compelling reason to hang around. Placing the subject in the bottom left would give him room to look and it would help move the viewer's eye from the main subject into the great texture of your background.

Your tank shots look great. I actually like the pre-cropped versions better than the cropped ones but this assignment isn't about liking the shot it's about learning how to successfully move your main subject around in your picture frame.

All in all, a good job.
What a neat sculpture! I think you made a good choice with placing your subject in the bottom right quadrant. The viewer's eye is forced back into your shot by that strong angle of her arm. Your eye moves right into her face and keeps circling around. You're holding my attention and keeping me interested. That's what this is about, placing the objects in your photograph such that the viewer is interested in hanging around.

Alexander, AG, what do you think about my feedback? I'm not the voice of god here. The feedback is to get you to think about what you've done and how it can be better. Am I wrong? Wouldn't be the first time so tell me! Did I help you see something you might have done better? Conversation is necessary to help get these points across. I don't know if I'm leading you into a good direction unless you give me feedback on your feedback.

Sorry, was out shooting again. :) clearly I need to practice some more. hard to get out of the house with two toddlers in tow. I'm hoping our next discussion about lines will help me with the comments you made.
I havent had a chance yet to go out and shoot anything yet. Been really busy. But tomarrow I will actually have a chance to do so. Hope my pics turn out good:mrgreen: