My ever coninuing questions thread...

It might just be me, but from looking at the pictures it makes me seem crazy. I dont see much difference in the pics, But in the display tank I can tell it looks fuller and happier!
Oh and last night I saw the culprit that had its legs sticking out the night before, I'm not sure where he went after he crawled out from under the frogspawn, he vanished... Notice he has 6 legs? wierd.
That is a weird brittle star,but cool.
He might make your frogspawn close up for a minute or 2,but he wont hurt anything.Their a pretty good clean up critter.
I also see a couple of good sized bristle worms to.

The frogspawn looks great.
Thanks guys! That isnt normal for a brittle star to have 6 legs is it? maybe this little guy is worth millions!?
Alright i was shopping all day trying to find stuff for my ATO. I got a bunch of stuff, but you will have to let me know if its safe to have this metal "close" to the water... Its about 2.5" above the water line, will that hurt anything? Cause somehow in a 1 in a million shot I found the PERFECT float that has no metal except the mounting bracked, the lowest point of the bracket is about 2.5 inches above the water like I said. If i can use these brackets life would be SO much easier than making my own out of plastic... I replaced all the other metal pins and pieces with wooden ones :) lol. Toothpicks hot glued in place.




The float is from a cow tank auto top off (god bless living in hick country for once) None of the toilet ones would have worked that any of the places had, they were all supplied from water from below as the float went up, because they were under normal water pressure. This one on the other hand flows from the top down as the float sinks down.
This seems like as good of a place as any for a make shift water tower...

Spacial relation to my fish tank/sump where its going to end up.

2 x 2 1/2 gallon water jugs, Im going to mount my things in the caps so I can tip them up and pull it off to go fill them. There is a small hole in the top to allow for air to replace the water as it flows out.
I'd like to get rid of the metal so when i'm doing water changes and stuff when I turn off my pump and overflow it still fills up a bit to where it might almost be to the point of the metal... if this will work for now ill work on fabricating some plastic ones by heating and bending and stuff when I get a chance, I got an anniversary party to go to at 6 so i dont have a ton of time tonight.
I had the same problem, finding a non-metal bracket to mount the float on. Neal ended up putting a piece of plexiglass in the oven for a few minutes, then bent it into shape. It worked well and was easy, except for the awful smoke and smell that comes along with cooking plexi, I suppose.
then how do u attach the plexi to the bracket with out the use of metal? I can't beoieve I found something that would work after going to 3 hardware stores... think it will be ok for now with the metal bracket until I can make one?
what do you replace the metal screws with? zip ties? or more hot glued tooth picks? lol. I'm drunk off my ass at my girlfriends grandparents 50th wedding anniversary! makes up for last night witting at home with my fish. er wait. I'm still a loser...
You can get plastic screws at Ace. Bring in the metal ones, and they will give you the same ones, but in plastic. At least, they carried the exact same ones in plastic for me. The float just sits in it.
Wow, exciting day, while im a few towns away doing some shopping I get a call, "why is your floor soaking wet???" AHHH GOD. after a long while talking my grandparents through figuring it out they tell me all the water is coming from down below out of the 2 liter pop bottle (my skimmer resivoir I made... for some reason it decided to just start filling the bottle twice over every 15 minutes... So i had them shut that off and problem solved... floor is soaked, thank god my computer (2 feet away from the tank) is 1" above the ground on my desk, cause the water ran right underneath it... Damn touchy skimmer. It was filling up at about the rate of 1/2 inch a day and I checked it right before I left...