My ever coninuing questions thread...

Its sat for almost a full day, I redid it all a while ago and ill hook it up tomorrow. covered the whole nozel thing. Ill have to add water in a small hole in the top now... not as convenient, but it will work.
Today i went and picked up my RO unit, I didnt get the same unit with the DI cause i wanna drink the water too. I can always add one on the unit for 30$ if i ever want to... Also they had croecia clams on sale (sp?) 29$! Also got some chemicals for my tank, some C-balance the 2 part deal, some iodine, and calcium tester, and like 45$ worth of fricking snails, 10 nassarius and 5 more turbos, my tanks got a bunch of algae growth now for them to eat..
Alright quick stupid noob question here, but what do you guys keep your salinity levels at? 1.024 or so? Cause i tested my water compared to the water in the foster and smith water while they are acclimating, and theirs is really high compared to mine! I guess the guy at the pet store prolly gave me some crap info when he said you want it around 1.021 or so.. he told me my salinity was high when he tested my water before i got my first fish, at like 1.022... the foster and smith water is at like 1.0255
Also one of my corals i had on the rocks, a xenia and leather combo attached at the hip jumped off its little stone plug base and is on the substrate now... could it do that cause it was upset? maybe too much light? or just accident?
next question of the night is where should I place my clam? Im assuming low current higher on the rocks for more light? will he stay where I put him or will he wander around and get lost in a crevice somewhere and crap? hes a cute little guy, only about 2"
Alright quick stupid noob question here, but what do you guys keep your salinity levels at? 1.024 or so? Cause i tested my water compared to the water in the foster and smith water while they are acclimating, and theirs is really high compared to mine! I guess the guy at the pet store prolly gave me some crap info when he said you want it around 1.021 or so.. he told me my salinity was high when he tested my water before i got my first fish, at like 1.022... the foster and smith water is at like 1.0255

I keep my salinity at 1.026.Most inverts do better when it between 1.023 to 1.026.
What did the water from Foster and Smith test at?
Also one of my corals i had on the rocks, a xenia and leather combo attached at the hip jumped off its little stone plug base and is on the substrate now... could it do that cause it was upset? maybe too much light? or just accident?

Never seen a frag crawl off and go down.Every one I ever had went up higher.
next question of the night is where should I place my clam? Im assuming low current higher on the rocks for more light? will he stay where I put him or will he wander around and get lost in a crevice somewhere and crap? hes a cute little guy, only about 2"

Start your clam out on the sand and move him up a bit every week or so untill you get him where you want him.
Once you get him planted and he attaches,he's there.The only way to move him then is to kill him or move the whole rock.
Wheres the pics?
You been around long enough to know better than get a new addition to your tank and not post a pic.:mrgreen:
Im gonna disagree with Biff this time.
Clams dont require prestine water.They actually like water thats got some nitrates and phosphates.
I just got my RO unit installed downstairs, its gunna be 2 flights of stairs carying water, but I think the basement was the best spot for it, easy drainage and plenty of room to work... Ill take some pics in a minute. I told the lady that ran the saltwater department for 4 years, and is now part time and full time setting up saltwater aquariums in peoples houses that I had my tank for a little over a month, and what lights I had, and all that, she said he should do fine... So start him low and work his way up gradually? Will he attach when hes happy? or just whenever? I dont have a lot of really flat areas in my rocks at mid level, I kinda made a spot for him I'm hoping he attaches to at the top, well the top of my rocks. They only go barely over halfway up my tank. Here is some pics of where hes at right now, he already opened up and is happy as a... shrimp.. er wait clam!



Here is his relative location in my tank as of now, let me know if you still think I should start him low and move him up until he latches on to something...
And is all that crap on my back glass normal algae? Should i clean it with my float where I can hit it? I was leaving it for the snails to devour, I got a few more turbos today and a bunch more nassarius... And about those bubbles on the rocks... Is that normal for that hair algae stuff to make bubbles? I think it is, but is the hair algae good to have or bad? Cause my skimmer isnt making bubbles in my display anymore, so its gotta be the plant life im assuming...
Think back to 3rd grade and learning about plants and photosynthsis.
Plants release oxygen.
Hair algae is bad ju-ju.I'm fighting that crap myself and it seems to be getting worse in spite of every thing I do.
How long are you running your lights?Try cutting them back to about 6 to 8 hours and see if they will slow it down any.
The clam looks great.And should be fine right where he's at.
Alright, just tested my calcium. the test says I have 225 milligrams per liter. Is that the normal measuring standard? If so i need to get my calcuim up more to around 400 right? Ive got this C-balance I picked up today but havent opened yet, I'm going to start on reading. And with the instant ocean calcium test kid (if any ones used it, the lady said it was the easiest to use) I'm assuming by "when it turns blue" when it makes the instant jump from pink to blue right... cause it wasn't gradual at all, on the last drop it just jumped to dark blue.
6-8 hours! damn thats really cutting back. My friend said he only runs his 9, but from what I read and learned in Geography they liked 12 hours in the tropics. Ill try cutting back a few hours off at least then.
I'm also using tap water, as of yesterday! today is a new glorious day of RO water from now on... Its breaking in right now. But after 10 gallons of RO its all good to go. That rock I got from the LFS with my frogspawn on it was COVERED in green hair algae, I think thats when it all started up in my tank when I added that...
not sure about the milligrams/liter thing.I perfer the good ole american standerd of PPM.
I like to try to keep my calcium around 420PPM with a DKH of 12 to 14 if I can.But I've got several SPS corals that eat calcium up pretty quick.
The one and only time I every tryed an Instant Ocean calcium kit,I threw it away right the first test with it.Showed my calcium as WAY WAY low as in 2 drops of reagent.
I dont know anything about that C-Balance stuff.Never used it.I perfer seachems reef advantage calcium and kent super buffer.
What brand salt are you using?Some salt mixes are low on calcium.
As for cutting back on the light,Even though the tropics get 12 hours of daylight dont mean they got 12 hours of full intense light.Not to mention there are days when there is not sun at all.It does get cloudy there at times.
Man good thing I was here, I was noticing my pump section of my fuge go dry pretty quick today, took like 2 gallons almost. Then i noticed my tank was getting really high... like brimming the top! so I figured my overflow was going crazy and shut everything down to clean it out, lots of algae and diadoms in the bottom of the first tank. And the filter I had cleaned 2 days ago, had a crap load of lady bugs in it!! God im sure thats great for the tank... Stupid things I thought i got rid of them all and vacuumed them all up one day. All is good now, the water is flowing much better.