My ever coninuing questions thread...

Yote, You have big brass ones to disagree with Biff. She may put the cyano curse on your tank if you are not careful.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
How fast do your guys RO units work? I got one rated for 50 gpd. Its barely trickling though, by my calculations it should be making about barely over a gallon every half hour. Right now im going though the break in of dumping the first 10 gallons, but in the last probably.. 4 hours its only made about 3 gallons. I tried turning the water on both hot and cold, instead of just cold. Which i would rather not do, because it will use hot water from the water heater then and thus use more natural gas or whatever, i dont even know if we have a gas or electric water heater. And it didn't increase the production at all... Is that normal at first and it will get better? or am I just too impacient?
I just went down and checked to see if the bucket was full, and it was only 1/4 the way full! ahh. about a gallon in the last hour and a half. Then I tried again with turning on both faucets, before it didnt effect it, but now it started coming out a bit faster, so I think problem solved.
S-L-O-W---D-O-W-N!-!-!-! You are going gadget happy before you can even see if your tank will survive for a while. Big John the super mod (Biff is just a regular mod) has a rule I love. Don't add anything to your tank unless it has a benefit. You seem to be adding, changing and going "Nucking Futs" with all the newness of the hobby. Don't break your bank (unless you are a trust fund baby) and burn yourself out. Nothing screams disaster for a hobbist than to invest oodles of cash and then, something horrible crashes the tank due to impatience. I hate to point it out, but you are really impatient. That can cause you problems. This hobby is all about patience. That is what makes tanks beautiful. Just be careful young'en

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Love the clam. When I had algea problem I cut my lights down to 8 hours a day. I even went a couple days with lights out. Which did help a lot. The snails you got should help some. Also I would test my water every day or every other because you added quite a bit of stuff in such a short period of time. If I was you I would not add anything else for at least a few weeks. Give your tank a chance to handle the stuff that's already in it. Be patient.
I'm just trying to do whats good for my tank, everyone said dont use tap water, so i got a cheap RO unit today. I just wanna see how the tap water is compared to what i'm putting in my tank... I'm not too worried about money right now, im not rich, and im not poor, but im good when it comes to money! Thats why i'm going to school to be certified as a investment/stock broker or financial advisor.
As for going too fast, im done adding for quite a while. I finally got a new test kit for calcium and thats pretty low, so im going to work on getting my water/tank perfect, doing water changes and top offs with pure RO water now, instead of hard well water. Got some C-balance made by "two little fishies" that can hopefully fix my calcium problem with out getting my alk too high (from what the saltwater woman was saying thats what you have to balance with this buffer).
Going to RO water should help with your algea problem also. Good investment. Try and raise the calcium gradually. I for one don't like to add a lot of chemicals to my tank. So if my PH or Alk needs adjusing I use baking soda. Just keep a eye on the water paremeters.
Yeah i thought that was crazy. millions of coral reefs around the Caribbean release their sperm and eggs with in minutes of each other, based on the moon! I wonder how many times my nova extreme light fixture will have to cycle daylight to moonlight before they fill my tank with sperm? lol.
yeah the photoreceptor thing is what excites me... thought it is amazing......... truly amazing, it was old news. so i was excited to hear about how. you should watch the planet earth epesode of shallow seas. i believe they show footage of it...... it was either that or on blue planet.

watch out for that coral sperm, it will wack out your skimmer for weeks! LOL
I think the shallow seas was a planet earth episode, but I havent seen either planet earth or blue planet on since I started my aquarium. That could be because I never have my TV on anymore perhaps... But I was thinking that I never see any good shows on about coral reefs or marine fish, or even saltwater tanks. I watch tons of educational stuff on TV all the time, and they have hobby's like gold mining and panning for gold for instance on the outdoor channel ALL the time, Id have to guess the ratio of gold miners to saltwater aquarium owners and lovers isnt even close... why nothing for me?!
Yote, You have big brass ones to disagree with Biff. She may put the cyano curse on your tank if you are not careful.

-Dr Marco :sfish:

She already sent me that voodoo Arizona cyano/hair curse.So I'm gonna disagree till my lil pee pickin hearts content.:mrgreen:
Ive got a chance to get a free UV steralizer, But I dont know much about them... I'm thinking that would really help with my algae too. How do they work even? I'm thinking it should be run inline? or do they come with a pump and do their own circulation through the UV steralization bulb area? Or do you want to run it inline with your return? I think it would be better on the overflow side before it gets to the fuge. But I have 1" tubing, and I dont want to slow down the flow from my overflow, because then my sump will run dry and try to overflow my display like yesterday when the algae and crap was clogging the flow...
From what I understand about UV,Its supposed to have a slow flow through it.Other than that,I have no idea since I dont use one.