My ever coninuing questions thread...

Also when I was at petco, the lady was trying to get a blue tang for this one kid, i asked him how big his tank was, and he said 55 gallon. and im like "you do know that fish will get to like almost a foot long right..." and the lady is like "oh that will be fine in a 55 gallon" (what? for about a year tops??) but then she KILLED it when she tried getting it, it hid under a rock and she moved it across the bottom with the fish under it... So he didnt end up getting it. god. There was also 2 dead royal grammas in different tanks, and another dead blue tang. But they had the most beautiful flame angel... god I want one. Anyone have any expereince with them and soft corals?
No, nothing. Yesterday I did feed my corals some marine snow but just a little bit in a syringe and I sprayed it directely towards each one... I think the skimmer just went nuts for a day... cause it was spitting out clean water... it wasnt like 10 gallons of skimmage...
My flame angel doesnt touch any of my corals (so far).Had him for a copule of months I guess.

Your running a coralife super skimmer right?
They are extremely touchy and take some playing with to get right.
Hmm. I really like them, they are so amazing looking. They arent cheap either... I think the LFS had one for 50 or so. Think my tank will be ok with another fish? Ive got a 2" 6-line. a 2" clown, a 1.25" clown, and a 2" royal gramma. In my 50 gallon with the 10 gallon sump. Do you take into account the extra water for the sump when calculating your fish load? I'm going to get more live rock for my sump too but Ive got about 49 lbs in the tank and 1 in the sump right now. So a lot of the swimming room isnt consumed by rocks.
I think your pretty close to your load,but we've all been know to push that.A little bit any way.
You should take into the sump volume when calculating your fish load. I pushed it with 13 fish in my 55 gallon tank, including a tang. It all depends on how much live rock you have (the more the better, it doesn't displace that much water), and what kind of skimmer/filtration you are running. There is no set rule for how many fish you can squeeze into a particular sized tank. Everyone's tank is different.
well I'm at about 7.5" right now, and i figure im safe with at least 10 maybe a bit more with the skimmer and sump... I really like tangs, but they will grow pretty big for my tank, even though I plan on getting a 180 in the next year or so after I move, I dunno though. Once I graduate I kinda wanna move to south florida and i would NEVER be able to transport my tank down there...
I think tomorrow I'm gunna get a few more nassarius snails and a few more turbos for clean up detail, and perhaps see what the flame angel looks like at the LFS he was supposed to get in... that will keep me going during these arduous tests, the hope of a nice (non coral nipping) flame angel!
I just decided to finish up my DIY ATO, i got some water in 1 of the jugs for a test, and it seems to be working great so far! tomorrow ill try to fabricate some brackets out of non metal, but for now they arent touching the water or anything so i think it will be ok over night...



And before I even got the pictures posted i noticed some small leaks from the nozzles in the water jugs, man what a pain... I may have to coat them in silicone and fill them via a hole in the top of the jug or something, but that wont be as convenient...
Naw! Its just that I wanted to hold it in place while i test fit everything, and its not like I'm going to drill a hole in the wall, I'm moving out in like 6-8 months. On the other hand... If I wanna get really fancy I could get some color matching duct tape!
I may be the worst siliconer (is that a word?) ever... Every stupid thing that involves silicone always leaks! i started small, using a nice bead technique like I was welding the stupid thing, that didnt work, so I added more, still didnt work, so I filled the plugs in with goops of silicone on my finger. Yet it still leaks every so slowly... If I have to i'll go find something better to put water in and buy 2 more nozzles and start over, I thought the rubber cap might be a bad idea cause they are meant to leak water (when you pull down on the middle knob thing) so of course they are going to be likely to leak?!
flame angels are a good choice for a small angelfish. The ones I have had over the years have ignored soft corals, but will nip at clams and the occasional LPS.

-Dr Marco :sfish: