A friend came over tonight with a much nicer camera than mine, and he was able to get a great shot of the tank as it currently stands....the brown stuff is diatoms, they will go away soon :)
You cannot tell from the picture, but there are roughly a million caves and
swim throughs....I will be adding about an inch and a half to two inches of sand, it just hasn't been able to happen yet....
He also brought an Apogee MQ-200 PAR meter and I measured the light from the LEDs. Apogee says the meter underreports the PAR readings from LEDs between 4.2% for Cool Whites to 10.7% for Royal Blue. Anyway, the readings directly from the meter with days and blues on full power were:
Just peeking out of the top of the water I got 1950 PAR
Just below the surface was 1650 PAR
Top of major rockwork (about 10" from the water surface) 440 PAR
Bottom glass 225 PAR
Not too shabby for $179 shipped in a 24" deep tank....