Several of my budgetary concerns were put to rest today....I didn't do anything on my tank but I went to a friend's house and helped him work on a HUGE protein skimmer his brother gave him, we worked on a little house plumbing issue he was having and we started breaking down a FOWLR he has been running for a couple years....That is where he did me right...I came home with about 60 to 70 pounds of nice pest free purple covered live now I don't need to buy the Cycle In a Bottle....
Then I went to another bud's house and helped him plumb and set up his new 90G display system and he hooked me up with an adapter to allow remote ethernet connection from my Apex to the Router through the power lines....way I can run the Apex from my laptop or android phone....
Unfortunately I didn't do much of my work computer time this week so most of tomorrow will be spent in front of my laptop...I may end up with a little time which is okay because most of what I have to do is little projects....