Doc's Shark Tank

sorry gang. It was the trade off for the fish. It is SO worth it. You will have to be patient for another two hours. I will get them up when I can. I will take requests for pics once I post these. ;-)

Sweet looking new fish. I actually think the angel caught between two color stages is a really cool look. I don't get to see many in the in between stage. Most LFS or pictures I see are either Juvenile or adult.
Putting in an early request for a full tank feeding video! I wanna see Squishy and all his Angel friends in all their glory.
Putting in an early request for a full tank feeding video! I wanna see Squishy and all his Angel friends in all their glory.

the shark acts like he is whacked out on Meth when is it feeding time. There is proof of the term "feeding frenzy". I will feed him tomorrow and I will try to get a video of the

I finally got back from Salt Lake City and am now FINALLY able to post pics of the new addition. I have to tell you, I am more than happy. I popped wood. Here he is in his freshwater dip to make sure his Ich was dead


As soon as I put him in, he lurked about like he was struggling for air. I had him in the dip for about 10 minutes. He seemed fine there, but took a few hours to adjust to his new tank home.

Here are various pics I took of him and his new environment. I will work on a feeding video soon. I will likely bore the hell out of everyone with the amount of pictures I will be taking of this tank. I love it!!!




I love your fish and tank DOC. They look awesome. What did you use to stick the rocks together?

Nothing. I used really heavy, big pieces for the anchors and basically played tetris ( an old school video game-some youngin' may not know that one. LOL ) to get them to stay put. The shelf is really stable as the shark crawls all over it... Often.

Doc, that's a truly beautiful angel!!!! Wow. I love that fish so much. When I first got into angels it was the emperor that caught my attention. I promise I will never get bored with all the pics you post!
Hey doc, so does that mean that angels will not eat montipora? They are sps aren't they?

I always thought I could not keep angels with them. Or did I read something wrong.