Doc's Shark Tank

Oh and I was also really excited to hear that the angel ate the first freakin day!!!! Amazing. I rarely have luck like that with any fish. Did you soak that stuff in a butt load o' garlic or what?
If wouldnt risk it at long as everyone is behaving relatively well, let him heal up for the gladiator arena first! All hail Ceasar the Emperor!
I didn't soak any food in anything. I just dropped in a cube of the angel / butterfly preparations and he woofed down what came near his hiding spot.

As for the emperor.... I am more worried about the Asfur getting beat up than the emperor. Everytime I have had one in my tanks, they all got Ich anyway. He may as well start with it. LOL

Doc I think you and I have the same patience level, sorry for last night:bowdown:

The Ansfur is gorgeous and its great that he is willing to fight back at least that gives him a decent chance. Gorgeous fish, hopefully the Emperor makes it through everything AOK. Good luck and thanks for being patient with me.

I understand your frustration. I felt the same way about not getting my freakin' fish. You are more than forgiven. Although I you want to take me out on a date.... LOL J/k

Well between the last week of tank spending and remodeling all I can offer is a Big Mac and parking in the local cemetary...Im game if you are!:fechten2:
Well between the last week of tank spending and remodeling all I can offer is a Big Mac and parking in the local cemetary...Im game if you are!:fechten2:

Hell ya!!! LMFAO!!! As long as you put out...OOPS!!! Sorry Biff....:mrgreen:

Dude Im so easy! Bottle of Thunderbird soft kisses on the neck and Im putty in your hands! Hahaha

EDIT Maybe putty isnt the optimal wording!
Ich is all but gone. Just checked in with the LFS. I am picking him up tonight and I will be adding him tonight. I have some rearranging to do with the rocks. I will pick him up at 8pm tonight and should have picks up and running later than that. I am not going to give a time since last time I did that,, Ryan gave me hell about it....LOL ;-)

I have patients doc, I never follow times because as a fellow aquarist I know things don't always go as planned. I can't freakin wait for pics, I've got angel excitment!!!!!
Piggy, once again, life has dealt me a slower hand than I like. I am sitting outside the mac store, buying my wife an iPhone. I will be another two hours. I have already taken pictures. He is INCREDIBLE!!! About 7 inches and intense coloration. I am in awe. All fish are playing nice last time I checked. The Koran stopped picking on the asfur the second the emperor entered the tank. He is the king now!!!! Hell ya!!!

Sorry for the delay, I will post pics when I can. Trust me, they are worth the wait... And they aren't even good quality and still kick ass!!! POTM... Here I come!!!

Two hours! doc ur killing me dude! Dont buy the iphone today lots and lots of software problems get home and post them pics haha.