Doc's Shark Tank

I have seen pics of the Asfur angel, and I think they are BY FAR one of the prettiest angels out there! As you know, I'm not much of an angel fan, but the Asfur and the Annularis do make me sway a little bit... Can't wait to see pics of yours!
I have seen pics of the Asfur angel, and I think they are BY FAR one of the prettiest angels out there! As you know, I'm not much of an angel fan, but the Asfur and the Annularis do make me sway a little bit... Can't wait to see pics of yours!

It warms my heart to hear that from you Biff. I have spent my life trying to please you and hearing you praise my fish choice is like hearing the voice of angels praising me....LOL

OK, maybe not quite that intense, but I am glad you like them. I dig the Asfur angel as well, but am partial to the emperor. I will have them both tonight and will add them about 9pm my time so look for pics about 10pm or so. I need some positive energy thrown my way so no one fights! or else the koran will be OUT.....sorry Alexander, but if I have to choose, that will be the case. let's just hope it doesn't come to that.....:frustrat:

Holy crap are you serious! Not even excited enough to watch the juv to adult trans to keep this fish you have had for so long.

I get it. You get rid of every fish I get, we can't have the save fish. I get a sohal and yours mysteriously dies. You get a couple angels and itd prime time to rid your koran. I'm saddened
Holy crap are you serious! Not even excited enough to watch the juv to adult trans to keep this fish you have had for so long.

I get it. You get rid of every fish I get, we can't have the save fish. I get a sohal and yours mysteriously dies. You get a couple angels and itd prime time to rid your koran. I'm saddened

whatever smart-ass!!! I have been trying to get people to get angelfish in their tank for YEARS and you are the ONLY one to have the NUTS to make it happen (altho dustin did get a king angel, but all his stuff is dying so I can't count that just yet). I have nothing but respect for you and our Korans. Now then, I still have to be true to my self and I am needing to have an emperor now. My hope is that the Koran will play nice so I can keep both (all 3 or 4?) So, smart-guy... stow it! :bounce: LOL

:protest: Your late with the pics! Haha really though I stayed up this late for your pics man, where they at! J/k
my apologies for the late pics. I ran into a snag..... Ich. I tried 6 ways from sunday to get both fish in tonight but the fish gods did not smile upon me. I ordered the Asfur and was told he was an adult coloration. The size was, well, less than expected. I have not purchased from this store before and their idea of 4-5 inches is WAAAAY different than mine. This little guy is more like 3 inches and likely meant to be shark food (but I hope not, he finally found a good hiding spot).

The emperor has Ich in my LFS, which means I will have to wait til the copper kills the little bastards, maybe two more days? No idea. I will then drop him in the angel / shark tank blender and see how well he fares. No clue.

I was planning on putting the Asfur in the sump til I could get the emperor in at the same time, but I really have zero current and flow in the sump, which means death for the little guy. I opted to drop him in the DT and cross my fingers

Here are a few pics of him acclimating



I dropped him in the tank after a few minutes and he swam for the rocks. The other two angelfish all but ignored him for about an hour. They decided to scare him into the shark for a fun, torturous game and then the chasing began. They all ran around the tank for about 30 minutes and took a break to eat. They seemed to have calmed down after I shut off the lights. I am hopeful they will leave him alone tomorrow until I can get the emperor into the tank and they have a new fish to chase.

I added more live rock from the sump to create more hiding places for the Asfur. He took full advantage of them.

I found him willing to fight back after he found a place to call his own, which was a good sign. He is no pussy. But I fear he may be too small for the shark, which means he might end up as a $100 meal for squishy....dammit. Well, who knows. Here are a few more pics of the Asfur angelfish. I have always wanted one and have never known anyone to have one so I feel special for now.




their coloration ins striking. I am impressed with him. The face is a glowing black color and deep purple everywhere else. I sure hope he makes it. He was interested in food the first time I put it in and that was a good sign.


After he noticed the new angelfish, the Koran started to stress out a bit and swim aggressively. He has really started to change coloration. I am hopeful his colors will be full adult before the end of the year. It seems to take him SO long to change. It is kinda pissing me off since I am not the most patient man on earth......LOL


So that is my update for now. I doubt I will get the emperor in the tank tomorrow. It will likely be saturday night...whether he is done with Ich or not.....OK maybe not, but it sounded good. I just hope he gets over it soon. I hate waiting!!!

Just checked on the Asfur, and so far, so good. He is happily swimming around the tank not being eaten by the shark. I have been worrying all night and now I can sleep... ;-)

I am hoping everything works out. I hope all the kiddies play nice together. I hold onto a three day rule. If after three days they are doing ok together, I stop worrying.

Doc, that's freakin awesome! An ab solutely beautiful angel. I know what you mean about the face being black opposed to the purple body. I love it. How big is the angel?

Doc, I am JEALOUS about the koran he seems to be changing even much more than the last pic I saw. I can't wait for mine to start changing. I absolutly love the juv coloration, but the transforing process is awesome.... Haha I just thought of something when I said transforming process, next juv angel I own I am going to name optimus prime!!!!!
Doc I think you and I have the same patience level, sorry for last night:bowdown:

The Ansfur is gorgeous and its great that he is willing to fight back at least that gives him a decent chance. Gorgeous fish, hopefully the Emperor makes it through everything AOK. Good luck and thanks for being patient with me.
he is about 3 inches long. The pics were rushed and just dont do it justice. He really is an incredible looking fish. I honestly hope he doesn't get eaten. If that emperor looks even remotely better today, his ass is in the tank. I may want to add more rock tho. I want them to feel safe and well. Yeah. LOL.
