Doc's Shark Tank

just a quick update. All my angelfish are playing nice with each other. The shark ignores them all and the lionfish does his thing. In fact, the asfur angel hangs around the shark, like a little sidekick. All the new angels are eating and there is no signs of disease. I am hopeful everything will stay healthy.

On a lighting note, I am now saving my pennies for T-5 lighting. I think an 8 bulb, 4 foot fixture should work nice.

Oh my god it does look like a elephant. The mushrooms gives it character. Glad to hear everyone is getting along.
haha elephant rock! i totally see it.

you know what i thought was pretty wierd was that you didnt see squishy hangin in the pics. where the hell was he hiding at???
post 493 of the koran is one of my fav pics. He looks so rad. just totally transforming. looks more yellow in that pic than the rest of them. im having rigo jealousy now. i just cant wait!
Yeah and I saw his tail hangin out a few times, just seemed surprisingly recluse in the pictures. Is he usually in plain sight or hiding?
he is usually hanging out under a rock from early morning til about noonish. After that he is in full view and about 6pm he starts swimming and hunting. He is crazy during feeding time. I have got to post a video.

I just have to say... that after having all the fish together for a few days, it is amazing. I have stopped watching TV at night for the last week and I just sit in front of the tank and watch the color and movement of the angelfish and shark. Just incredible. WOW! I am waiting for the "newness" to wear off and for the yearning for a bigger tank to begin, but so far....nope! I am still happy

Well, I have taken a few months off to try to get a private practice started (damn, it is difficult) and decided to take a few shots of the tank and update progress.


Here is a shot of the "shark reef". Still love my angels and still love the shark. I even added a tang to keep all the "die-hard reefers" happy with my tank. I have gone through three emperors and have been successful with this one for about 3 months. He eats like a pig and is not intimidated by the shark.

I added a blue-line grouper in this tank a few days ago. He is pretty absent and hides a lot. I thought he would make himself a strong presence, but alas, he cannot keep up with the aggression of the rest of the tank.


I added a toadstool leather yesterday and it has not opened up yesterday. I have been breeding pom pom xenia and my LFS has been kind to buy it all up from me.

The Koran is a different story. I was so mad at myself for being stupid. So there I was, at the LFS, and I had a moment of weakness. I saw a 3 inch humu humu trigger and it was like $20. I bought him up. THis was about 3 weeks ago. I tossed him in and he did great....til he and my Koran started fighting over food and the trigger made a bitch move and bit out the eye of my Koran. I had the fish for over two years and he looked amazing. He was almost done with his color change and I was so proud of him. He died three days later. Needless to say, I took a steak knife from the kitchen and hunted down the trigger and skewered him and left him to bleed out. The shark had his way with him and I pulled out the remains and flushed him. I finally found a replacement who is not quite done with his color change and he has acclimated well to the tank. I have my fingers crossed.


My other Koran was so beautiful and I am such an idiot. I am not going to push this tank anymore. A shark and three angelfish are plenty of fish in here. The tang is OK and I doubt the grouper will have the nuts to make a run of it. I will look to add more coral to beef up the reef look of the tank in the next few months.

This is now my oldest fish. My baby. He is two years old in my tank and is about 4.5 inches long. I can't wait til he is all grown up. I think he is actually a Townshend Angelfish, which, for those of you who have not grown into the angelfish addiction, is a cross between a queen angel and a blue angel. Blue angels tend to not have the blue crown on their heads, but the Townshend do. I will not know for sure until he is a bit larger. Blue angels also don't tend to keep the full tail lobes in this brilliant yellow, and the Townshend angels do.


As things progress in the tank, I will include more pics of updates, coral and of course, feeding videos. :Cheers:

Nice to see you back Doc where is the picture of Squishy?

Squishy is a wuss when it comes to photo-ops. He hangs out in the back of the tank and comes out after about 6pm to swim all evening and all nite. He is HUGE. Probably put on 2 more inches in the last few months. He is a good looking shark if I do say so myself. He has taken to the bad habit of going into such a frenzy eating that he jumps out of the tank. He has done it twice, one time clearing my shoulder and almost hitting me in the face. Needless to say, I have covers on the tank to help him from committing suicide!

I will try to get a shot of him eating later this week just to give the old-timers a look at his majesty! :shock:
