d2mini's REAL 130g Rimless Cube Build Thread


YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPEN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7 boxes, 350lbs total but that's including a lot of water weight.
100lbs of sand and probably 100lbs of rock this shipment. More rock and my cuc coming in a couple weeks, once this stuff cycles.

It all fit in the hatch of my A3 with room to spare! :mrgreen:

Here's a couple teaser pics...

This is a pic of the sand, but the rock is bagged the same way. Quadruple bagged in heavy duty plastic and then in a styrofoam box inside the cardboard box.

Richard sent me some REAL nice large pieces in various shapes.
In fact, most boxes only had one piece of rock!
The rock has tons of nooks and crannies. And none of this was taken from the reef! All aquacultured!


I think I saw a gorilla crap burrow into the sand and I already heard some clicking noises so I'll have to get started on some traps. But I also saw lots of snails and what I believe is a porcelain crab. Right now I'm waiting for the water to clear so I can shoot a few pics.
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If the clicking is what we all think it is, and you cant get it out atleast Yote isnt very far away to give you a hand:^::^::^::bounce:
Dennis I'm glad you got your rock! That was a lot of boxes, looks like great stuff. Congrats. A little disappointed we don't have any pictures. :( :mrgreen:
Nice to see you progressing Dennis! Lose the gorilla ASAP, I think thats what killed a few of my fish. Don't kill any mantis you find either, you LFS will probably give you some cash/credit for them.
FWIW Dennis,You probably aint gonna see a cycle:D
We sale TBSW rock at the LFS.I've seen it come in with live fish hiding in the rock,ells,all kinds of crabs,snails,and starfish.Then EVEY box has several mantis shrimp in it.
Everybody else is waitin on pics,I wanna know what kinda critters you eneded up with:D
ok ok ok! LOL!

Here's a few quick pics. I had to do a water change already (ammonia was getting up near .5 - 1.0) and I moved the rocks around now that I can actually see. But it's still all pretty much temporary. These are just the base rock. More rock with more life on it is coming in the next shipment.

Oh, and I did catch a Mantis Shrimp! Found him scurrying around after I moved the rock. Scooped him up with a net and tossed him in the sump. Now he keeps going back and forth between my fuge and skimmer section. :D Still lots of popping noises though. Could just be Pistols. We'll see...








You got some pretty color on that rock. Having the rock in there makes your tank look huge. Can't believe your ammonia levels climbed. WooT! :^:
