chichimom79's 60 gallon cube

LOL well she does... Just look at it the colors are vary nice and it looks vary healthy to me. So yeah her wrasse looks amazing I love wrasses next to fonts and puffers the my 3ed favorite fish :D
I got everything except for a few astraea snails from the ten gallon transferred to the cube today. All corals and my maroon clowns transferred well and happy. I'll do a video update tomorrow :D
you moved your 10g into the cube. HOW cool! i wonder how macho maroon man will act?...... nice pun there on chichimom's sweet wrasse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha
After keepin an eye on your tank i do like the cube tanks. i cant decide whether to get a cube or get 220 tank. i'm definitely torn but i like the look of the cube.
My Midas Blenny seems to be charging the clowns a little bit. I wonder if she's the reason both clown's fins look like hell. :( Not sure what to do about that...
On another note, the clowns have amazingly good taste and have decided that they would like my most expensive piece of coral to host them... my rainbow brain. So far they have been quite gentle with it but I fear for it's continued health, especially since Maroon Clowns get quite large. Has anyone had their clowns love a brain coral to death?