Biff's 90 Gallon Downgrade

Three new things that I bought today.



Oh Fire and Ice zooanthads. I missed those until Allen's post. Those are really beautiful and a great buy for $40 and a steal for $25. I hope they take over your tank then that way you'll have to frag them and I can get some.
Sarah if I send you $25 + postage will you send me a blue Tunicate
I just bought this The Blue Lollipop Stalked Ascidian from my LFS a week ago. It had been doing great!
<ughhh! please, no. This animal is not "doing great". Its simply still alive and yet still doomed to starve to death in weeks/months. They really should not be collected or sold perhaps. Not until we are able to understand their needs and keep them alive. Many ascidians are bacteriovores. We do not have enough or enough of the right kind of foods to keep these animals alive. Yours will die soon, alas>
Read this about Tunicates, hope you have more luck with it
It's been 5 days without new pics? You've got 240 gallons worth of stuff crammed in a 90g tank and no new pics? What happened did you drop the new camera? Or did NDB hide it from you?:D

I came to this thread to check out your progress with the camera, and all I get is the Shlong Bouquet picture?

I'm deeply saddened by this revelation Biff, the new puppy smell has obviously wore off the camera.

Very disappointed.

Very disappointed.