Another Newbie in town...
Awesome setup aquariumgirl. :D I am new to salt water fish and I finally decided to join after I saw your 10 gallons tank. My friend Raul Salcedo & your awesome setup got me into it again. I have been reading the forum for the past couple weeks and I broke down and bought my Aqua 110 yesterday ($45 bucks). I will go slow and make sure I plan it out before I start put it together. Since I have limited space in my house, I am planning to be like you start out with a 10 gallons tank and make sure I can handle it before I go anything bigger (current I have a 30 gal fw). I know... I know.... I should go bigger in my tank incase of mistake(s). If I can disciple myself to unkeep the tank, I will be able to able to handle the big one (again space issue). ANyway, I will keep you guys post on what I have decide to go with. Currently... this is what I have in mind.
1 - 10 gallons tank
1 - Lee's Counter Current Protein Skimmer (I read some review on it. It's not too bad and it's affordable... It just need to clean out alot) Any suggestion/common?
1 - Live rock & sand
Commons and suggestions are very welcome...!!!! :mrgreen: