aquariumgirl's Reefs

Another Newbie in town...

Awesome setup aquariumgirl. :D I am new to salt water fish and I finally decided to join after I saw your 10 gallons tank. My friend Raul Salcedo & your awesome setup got me into it again. I have been reading the forum for the past couple weeks and I broke down and bought my Aqua 110 yesterday ($45 bucks). I will go slow and make sure I plan it out before I start put it together. Since I have limited space in my house, I am planning to be like you start out with a 10 gallons tank and make sure I can handle it before I go anything bigger (current I have a 30 gal fw). I know... I know.... I should go bigger in my tank incase of mistake(s). If I can disciple myself to unkeep the tank, I will be able to able to handle the big one (again space issue). ANyway, I will keep you guys post on what I have decide to go with. Currently... this is what I have in mind.

1 - 10 gallons tank
1 - Lee's Counter Current Protein Skimmer (I read some review on it. It's not too bad and it's affordable... It just need to clean out alot) Any suggestion/common?
1 - Live rock & sand

Commons and suggestions are very welcome...!!!! :mrgreen:
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Hi... quick question on your 10 gal. As you mentioned, you are running a 65W 50/50 PC. Do you have to modify your light fixture? I went to several Local Pet Shop and their light fixture/hood on their 10 gal tank doesn't fit a 50/50 PC. Again, pardon my ignorant. Thanks for you help!!!
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:bounce: Dude you finally made on the forum and I'm also taking it very slow :bounce: As you know I am going with a 29 gallon with a drill tank with two on the bottom and I am currently waiting for the quote from reefmania on the over flow, I'm also thinking of creating my own over flow with plexi-glass from lowes, but I have not seen anyone create one on the DIY threads. Nevertheless, I'm on track and I will soon be a reef addict :mrgreen:
Well, here it is... with some new additions!! Everything from the 3 gallon and the 10 gallon went into the 30 gallon. Still needs lots of live rock to fill it up, but I think I'm off to a good start.





kkw30806: ah, post must have been very confusing :shock: The light fixture that was on the 10 gallon was a 30 inch 2 65W Power compacts. It was a little too long, but it worked. This is now the same fixture I'm using on the 30 gallon tall. You could convert a regular fluorescent fixture and gut it out and put in a 65 or 96W power compact.
Hi aquariumgirl, nice setup on your new tank. Thanks for the tips. Before your last posting, I have decided to convert my 30 gals fleshwater into salt water. Currently I only have 1 goldfish and a cleaning fish in my 30 gals tank. What a waste right? So, I bought a 10 gals and ready to move them over.

I also bought some new items for the 30 gals tank. There is one thing that I am confused on after I read soooo many articles about (Protein Skimmer). There are so many brands out there and different sites gave different opinion on each one of them. So my question is does ANYONE know or current use a protein skimmer that will work and best $$ for a 30 gals tank? Any suggestion or input will be greatly appreciated.

Current this is what I have in stock for my converted tank.
- One 30 gals tank
- One Aqua Clear 110 filter
- One JBJ 36" PC light fixture (96 Watts - 1 white & 1 blue)
- Currently looking for protein skimmer

What should I do next???
THanks all for reading it.
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Hello Jasen - Thanks for the information on the Coralife superskimmer. I am debating if I should get the Coralife or the Bak Pak 2 skimmer. Do you or anyone have any experience with the bak pak 2? I like the sound and look of the Coralife since you have one but my problem is I have a acrylic tank that the top does not have enough opening to hang out the device. The bak pak skimmer is a little smaller and I think it might work better on the back of the tank. I will take some picture of my current empty tank for you guys to look and possible give me some suggestion. I know I don't need it now but I want to prepare and do my homework on it. Thanks again,
jhnrb said:
Hey everyone, just a note to let ya know this is aquariumgirls thread. Please post your systems particulars under your own thread. Thanks for your cooperation.
Maybe you could pull out the extra questions and answers in this tread and make new ones for them.