aquariumgirl's Reefs

Haha, well thank you!! I've seen your tank jasen, you have a very impressive tank!! I just got a 30 gallon tall that I'm planning to upgrade the 10 to someday ;)
:bowdown: You have an AWESOME NANO! :bowdown: I hope that I have much success as you do. What filter system are you running? What lights are you using?

I was told I was crazy to do a small salt water tank, but a reef? Amazing! I'm new to this hobby, please forgive if I over react. I have a small salt water 6 gal Nano Cube. Here is a pic:

Well I don't think it is bad for starters. It's a Fish Only, I will get a fish this Friday. Keep up the good work.

There is nothing wrong with having a small reef tank, you just have to keep a vigil eye on it, you are using a much smaller amount of water therefore you do not have much dilution of any harmfull substances. Thats why it bigger is easier on the saltwater side... and when I say easier I mean easier to keep alive.
SCreefer: I use tap water, but I do a 30% water change once a week.
Raul Salcedo: I have an AquaClear 110 and a bak pak skimmer, and the lights I'm running a 65W 50/50 PC.
2wenty2win: Thanks!! a 6 gallon cube would make a great nano reef!! I couldn't see the picture but I'm sure it's off to a great start.
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I chose the AquaClear 110 b/c I could stuff little bits of live rock and the skimmer sits nicely on the back of the supported filter. For media I have live rock, and carbon sponge and purigen. Also the filter is the source of all the current in the tank.
How much Purigen do you use and how often do you change it? Are you changing all carbon pad and Purigen on a weekly basis when you make your water changes?