aquariumgirl's Reefs

Just posting some more pictures :D






STONOGOBIOPS NEMATODES - Blackray Shrimp Goby (Highfin Shrimp Goby) -max. length 2" - Range Indonesia and the Philippines - Min. Aquarium 20 gal - Food, Meaty foods including fresh or frozen mysid shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, finely chopped table shrimp, and frozen preparations for carnivores . Feed at least 2 times a day. - Reef compatibility EXCELLENT - Captive CAre - Makes a wonderful addition to the passive community tank. Adults live in pairs and hover several inches from the entrance of the burrow. Ideally the aquarist should try to acquire a mated pair, along with its sybiont shrimp, Alpheus randalli. Not aggressive toward other bottom oriented fishes, except at feeding time, and often dominated by more punacious species. They might not get enough to eat if kept with overly agressive or larger tankmates. Individuals of the same sex will fight expecially two males in a smaller aquarium (under 55 gal (208 L). Sometimes they will bite other fish species and hold on tenaciaously. If startled they will occasionally bury under the sand.
Looking great as usual - nice sized clowns

Can I just ask one question ... what make/model of digital camera do you have, because the clarity of your pictures is very good!
Thanks Apestyler, the camara is a hp photosmart 318, 2.3 mp, my BF got it with his printer. Its old (4 years) and it has no zoom, hard to work with but gets the job done most of the time. :)
I have a Fuji Finepix S3000 and I cannot get a decent shot of the fish without the flash (and then it looks over exposed) - Thinking about changing it soon so any suggestions would be cool (maybe in another thread)
We are getting off topic here.Apestyler have tried the camera on manual mode and reducing the flash output(if the camera can do that)I just got a canon S1 used $120 with gig memory card. I really like it.10x optical zoom with stabilizer.Took some pictures at football game and they look great. Nice close-ups from fare away.It fits in my palm
Try taking a picture at an angle, usually I find that if I take a picture looking straight into the tank all I see in the end is the flash. Also, try getting more light into the room so the flash doesn't go off. It takes me a few time to get the picture I want. The only thing I use in photoshop is to decrease the pixel size.
Got a new camara, so I have a few pictures:



This picture you can actually see their orange mouths!!


And another close up of the mommy suncoral.
very nice pic's. hmmmm, could be. should be able to tell for sure within the next 3 months. congrats in advance.
Looking at your new pics I think that they are baby sun corals too.
How often are spot feeding you main sun coral.i feed mine about 3 times a week