Tank is looking good. quick update, water parameters are as followed
440ppm calc
7dkh alk
ph 8.0
0 phosphates
0 nitrites
0 ammonia
0 nitrates
temp is staying around 77... i think my heater may have gone out. it never turns on.
Fungia coral that i thought wasnt going to make it is now showing signs of coloration, the purple flesh is beginning to puff back up between its skeletal structure. still no polyps tho. Royal gramma is still MIA. assuming its dead and my CUC enjoyed it. Also, my cleaner shrimp is no longer with us, he decided he needed to clean the powerhead and well, i found him stuck to it (his tail inside the prop guard). Will be replacing him soon.
Another unfortunate event, i lost my kenya tree coral. Everything was fine, looking good. no swings in water parameters or anything and yet i come home one day from work and the branches are shrivled up and white. the next morning, they turned to muck and left nothing but a blackend/brown stalk... and now thats even shrunk to nearly nothing so im 110% its dead unlike the last time (earlier in thread)
Excuse the picture, was taken with my iphone but it does show the color in my tank a little better. Heres quick video i took shortly after the lights came on, corals are still waking up so i will have to make another video sometime tomorrow hours after the lights have been on to give you the full effect. Notice my new pom pom xenia coral, and the a few new zoas behind the fungia and yellow colony polyps, one of the frags are of the green bay packer zoa's (i think), another is whammin watermellons and the last is a single polyp with a lot of random colors. mouth is yellow, outter ring is purple and the polyps are long and orange. Pretty stoked to see this one grow out. O and do make note of big bird the yellow tang being a total camera w**re....HAH!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7nAeeI89ts"]Buddys 75g @ 6 mos‏ - YouTube[/ame]