Not sure, was fine this morning. had his mantle showing and blue, came home from errands and his shell was on the bottom of the tank in the sand, with no clam at all. just an empty shell. no remains, no evidence, no nothing. So... Im taking this time to focus on the tank and "restructure" it. I'm in the process of adding 2 additional lights and reflectors as soon as the standoffs and end caps come in next week, I want to add an anemone and another clam so more lighting = better. I also have begun spot feeding my corals and they love it, most have puffed up and colored up nicely so that will be a new weekly task. I bought a magnesium test kit as well. I want to add some sps's in the tank, I have a few but they're not progressing much so I may begin dosing my tank with liquid foods too.
I'm also doing large water changes, just did a small one an hour ago but don't have enough water to do one as big as i'd like. This one was probably 15%... in a few days I will do another water change, roughly 20% and then following 3 more days another. It doesnt add up for me to be losing this many things in such a short time period and I'm affraid something got into the water when they sprayed my apartment for bugs a month ago. So far i have lost: 1x peppermint shrimp, 1x yellow eye tang (due to aggression and stress), 1x royal gramma (havent a clue where she went...can only assume my CUC enjoyed her), 1x cleaner shrimp, 1x emerald crab (not a big loss there, just cant find him nor his remains so considered him a goner too) 1x kenya tree, 1x zoa frag, 1x encrusting monti and those corals have died within the last 30 days of them spraying my house so it concerns me and lastly the maxima clam. While doing this water change I syphoned out majority of the red slime algae I could see in the substrate and attempted to get it off of one of the rocks in the top right corner but it still has some on it, hopefully with the water changes that will go away. if not, I will try what littlefish recommended and do a blackout for a few days.
not the best update but I guess this is apart of the hobby. correct me if I'm wrong