And We're Live! Buddys 75g Setup

I had a small trigger in my 240, and when I switched over to a 90, I knew there was no way I could keep him in there. I could immediately tell that a 4' tank wasn't going to cut it for the guy. :(
well crud, back to the drawing board on fish... i want something that when you look at it, you instantly think of the ocean (like clowns and tangs)
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Girllllfriend is gonna be pissed! Lots of goodies coming in today, and ALOT next week (notice the caps?) ....Pictures of todays new treasures to be added soon. Next week, lets just say between me and 5 others locally, we have put mr. corals website on a halt with about 100+ frag order :)
Heres a small portion of the new stuff, the cool stuff will be here next week!
Please excuse my camera, colors in pictures look a little on the dull side but are much more vibrant in person.

Fix to clumsy snails toppling frags... New corner frag rack:

New blue monti frag with red polyps:

New Green Polyp Toadstool:

New clam (this thing has done a 180 spin from where i originally placed it):

Healthy Big Bird (the yellow tang) and a not so healthy candy cane coral, i have no idea whats going on with it but its looking rough. any suggestions to baby this thing back?

Nemo & Wemo the clowns (constantly moving as you can see from the blurry picture):

Right side with whole gang minus the red headed step child barney:

left side:

and Current FTS:
Looks good.

But i would move that maxima clam up to the rocks, they arent a sand dwelling clam. But if he has attached himself to the bottom glass do not try and remove him. Damaging his food is almost certain death for a clam.

I would also try moving the trumpet coral to a new location and see if he likes it better.
i believe its a maxima based on its shell. Where should i put it little fish? use my FTS show for reference, it wasn't footed in the sand
I would put it some place on the rocks, but be aware that once it attaches (and these guys usually attach pretty fast) its very difficult to move them. And they usually attach to the first place you put them. They might need to have few little rocks placed on either side of them to keep them upright so they can properly attach. Personally, i would call any of your lfs and see if they have clam mounts. Its basically a curved dish for them to attach to and then you can move them if the need arises.
got a pin cushion urchin today... read that he would be a great addition in my cuc and ate plenty of algae... come to find out, he loves coraline algae as well, left a nice 12 inch white line on one rock. will this stuff grow back rapidly or should i evict him and save my purple rock?
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I also had a pincusion in my 75 but, I never saw any coraline in that tank at all until I re-homed him.