180 gallons up in this!!!! NWKRC!

Thanks Dom. Yeah they are under constant threat from the sixline, jack doesn't like when they get in his swimming path. He pretty much has his own pattern he runs. Sohal is just a belligerent a$$hole to everyone so they are definitely in check but not in danger.
Yeah I really like how they fill space and really add to it but without a large bioload. In fact they are really competitive eaters even with what already exists. And I really like how they kinda shimmer in the lights.
oh i did get them because someone else wanted them, it was my mom and after all it was her credit card getting swiped for them so we had to compromise. and its not like i hate them, i do like them, but the blue reef chromis are even cooler
Yeah I totally agree the blue reef are really cool looking, but I'm not sure if I was prepared to spend like 50 bucks on blue reef over the 14 I paid for the ones I got.
yeah internet is really the only place you could usually get a lot of the blue ones. and that isnt even always something you can find. I would imagine they would ship really well though
Quick update I got a couple new friends on wednesday! The pics were taken with flash so they didn't quite come out how I would like colorwise but here they are!


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Well bob with tanks our size we are likely to have huge sturdy rocks compared to a smaller tank. All my rocks are not going anywhere. Its pretty rad, even though it comes out pretty much just at night so far
Good looking stuff Alexander.
I got a long spine urchin that hitch hiked in.Cool to watch.But everywhere he goes,he leaves a trail of bare rock.Coralline and all.
Yeah, and that's a-ok with me yote. I have some big algae issues and I think in a 180 with as much coralline growth as I have I should be able to keep up with him. I def did a ton of research on them before buying and weighed out the benefits. Even held off for a few weeks so I could adjust my salinity a little bit higher.