180 gallons up in this!!!! NWKRC!

so i guess you passed on the desjardini?
He was really really stressed when I went to check him out so the worst thing to do would have been to put him in my tank with the sohal. So I went with my 2 additions that I have been considering for quite some time.

Funny thing was my sohal went after the urchin when I added it. It was a severely humbling experience for him to catch a mouth full of spines. I haven't seen that fish so timid since the first week I got him, of course he was back to being an a hole the very next day.
As requested here is a FTS i took this morning. it took a lot for me to actually get the guts to post this because its somewhat humbling. All the algae in the world is in my tank and it is emberassing. anyways if you look at the visable rock in the algae above the mushroom in the bottom right, you can see my urchin is clearing things up, so if he keeps up his good work i should be algae free in no time!

You would think so. But I have HUNDREDS of snails. I think it will be the matter of losing the bioballs and replacing with rubble that will really fix it. Or I'm hoping so. Yeah biffs 55 is epic algae levels. Goes well with her 100+ nitrates in her 240.
Have you already tried increasing water changes for a few weeks? It has always worked for me. I recently went thru another major algae outbreak so i increased my water changes to x2 per week (5%) for about 3 weeks and it is going away slowly.
The tank actually looks good Alexander.Mines been in worse shape(though not hardly as bad as Biffs).
Try manual removal of as much of the algae as possible.When it dies,it release all the nutrients its taken up right back into the water.
Might be worth it to raise your magnesium levels too.
Thanks yote, yeah ryang had mentioned the mag thing to me too. Ill have to explore that option. I manually remove all the hair algae I can but the majority of it is all that deep rooted turf algae that's impossible to dislodge. That's where I'm counting on my urchin to rock it out!
The turf algae is Bryopsis, which is the type of algae that the Mag increase works the best on. I would remove as much as possible by either pulling or cutting it off and get that Mg level over 1500.
I've got a couple of spots of bryopsis myself.Been thinking about dropping it in my fuge.Or,been thinking about trying to build an algae scrubber if I ever get time.
Sure its just an angled piece of acrylic or plastic with tons and tons of small holes in it. Just let your overflow run down it. The only bad thing that I have heard about them is that can cause yellowing in the water from microscopic pieces of the alqae breaking off and floating in the water colum. Even the skimmer wont suck them out. If you could divert say half of the overflow water to a scrubber that was separate from the sump and have a UV filter between it and the sump then you would have something.