180 gallons up in this!!!! NWKRC!

great looking Sohal Alexander! I do so love them. I am bummed mine died... well disappeared. Keep the pics coming.

Ok so i thought i would post some recent pics up of the changes that have been made in my tank..... Finally the coral lovers out there will be pleased.

Picked up some new corals for the tank. some are doing better than others. and of course I will throw up some new pics of the fish too.

here is a pic of my toadstool and the mushrooms.


here is a huge zoanthid colony i got.


picked up this HUGE cabbage coral. 9i believe thats what its called and there is an encrusting gorgonia on the edge of it.





Jack up close


picked up some more turbos, they are doing my dirty work on the edges i dont want to do!!!


6 line cruisin in the corals


Jack swimmin


Sohal making his rounds..... (I LOVE this fish! LOVE him. he is so active and so fun to watch now that he has completely warmed up to the tank)




Picked up a Deltec MCE600 skimmer. goodbye css never will i buy another css in my life!


chemiclean worked great for the cyano, also picked up some k4s to try to up the current. added some macro algea and a light to the sump to make some more effort to get rid of the hair algea in the tank.



I know what your thinkin, yep that light is hanging by zipties :)
question for you Doc. have you had zoanthids with your Koran? the colony now looks like a flaming pile of crap and the only thing i can think of is that he is eating them. I have heard they are hit and miss with this fish. here is the sad pic of the coral. and it was fine for weeks and within days here is what it looked like.

AWESOME my friend!!! I am stoked about the sohal! I will live vicariously through you about the sohal! I have to be true to my angelfish!

great looking cabbage coral as well as the zoas. Your tank is coming along nicely. Keep the pics coming!

question for you Doc. have you had zoanthids with your Koran? the colony now looks like a flaming pile of crap and the only thing i can think of is that he is eating them. I have heard they are hit and miss with this fish. here is the sad pic of the coral. and it was fine for weeks and within days here is what it looked like.


I hate to tell you this, but my Koran loves three things: Kenya trees (a cool talent for those who hate them), xenia (all types) and all zoas. I tried every color known to man and he ate every single one of them. Sorry. I don't know what to tell you. On the positive side, they ignore the stony LPS corals (Maze Moons, Micidium, closed brains, etc) Drop in one of those and you will be OK. We just have to be selective with the corals we have in able to enjoy the beauty of the fish, but it can be done! Don't give up!!!

Thanks for the info doc, very sad to hear that they dont do well with zoanthids... i guess i should have done my research because now i remember reading that before. and i had just forgot about it because of how beautiful this rock was at the LFS. sad story because it went untouched for weeks
yeah. it happens. Some fish will be hit and miss, but it seems as zoas are a likely target for their sampling. they start off nipping at the slime, but slowly start to eat them. It was a problem for me even when I fed 4 times a day. It might be best to see if you can turn around and sell the rock while it is still looking decent. Sorry man :grumble:
