What to do next? I think my tank is cycled...

first of all, the knife hole is just to break up suction in your return hose in the case you lose power and it drains back out into your sump. There is suction created when you have a sump and the water drains backward from your tank into the sump from two places, one is the overflow box and the second is the return hose from the sump. Since it usually hangs lower than the overflow box, the water keeps flowing into the sump until it reaches the end of the difuser. Here is a pic:


See how it sits BELOW the overflow box? the water is supposed to stop draining during a power outtage at the overflow box, but if you do not put a hole in the black hose, about two-three inches above the end of the hose, water keeps getting sucked from the tank back into the sump. The hole could go all the way thru, I guess, but just needs to pass thru the plastic into the hose so the suction gets broken when the water level goes past the hole you punch. Hope that makes sense.

As for your bubbles, they won't hurt anything. Second, post a pic so we can get an idea of what you are talking about. It could be that there is not enough water in your sump and that what goes into the chamber with the return pump is so agitated to begin with, it is creating bubbles. Does the end that goes into the tank look like mine, with a difuser? that is to help with bubbles as well. Post a pic.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
:zap:OUCH, reef. that hurt. maybe I should just sit back and let the professionals tackle the tough questions and I will respond on how to kill things. :mrgreen:

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I do have a check valve in my pump line to stop water from siphoning down in case the pump goes off. Its just a 1 way valve in put in the middle of the line. The bubbles are coming from the skimmer and the overflow dumping into the first section, my 2nd baffle isnt high enough to stop them from flowing over I guess, I made it exactly 1"... I could get another piece and silicone it on top of there to not let anything get over... I do have a black diffuser like yours, ill post some pics in a minute.
What your saying is that the water is not going down and back up before dumping into the refugium.Its overflowing the second baffle instead,it doesn't sound like to hard to fix.
Basically, that and there are still TONS of bubbles going under the 2nd baffle anyway... I knew i didnt like my design, i should have done the first one up, then down, then up, then down, cause as you can see from the last pics, my tank has more bubbles than a bottle of dom periogn
Damn,your skimmer dumps that much micro bubbles.

What happens if you take the black sponge out?Will water flow down

Have you tried moving the black sponge to the next baffle chamber before the fuge?

I also think that sponge is to coarse to trap micro bubbles.
Alright, I moved it to the next set of baffles,and now the water doesnt overflow, but there are still LOADS of bubbles coming through the black sponge material. Thats the stuff that came out of the bubble reducer thing that came with the skimmer, i just chopped it up and stuck it in there, i found a few more small pieces, and 1 piece of finer white stuff, what else can i use that will stop more bubbles?
I think its your skimmer and not your sump design.Try some of that cottony polyester fill stuff on top of the sponge.Those Coralife skimmers are notorious for its micro bubbles.This is what I would do if its possible with the skimmer,turn down the air injection or run it with no air.Each day,turn it up a little at a time for the next two weeks.Thats usually how long before a skimmer breaks in.
I totally agree with Reef, control the air flow so the skimmer is not running full blast. It will still work and you will get reduced bubbles. Best of luck.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
The instructions said leave it on 5 (wide open) to break it in? when I turn the knob the other way the water moves closer and closer to the top of the skimmer, to the point where it would overflow if i let it...
Anyone here familiar with the super skimmers? When does biff get back? shes one that recommended this skimmer, it seems to be very effective, i just need to find a way to kill these damn bubbles!
I'm not familiar with that skimmer but its dumping way to much bubbles.I can't tell you how many times people asked for help with those skimmers.If you can't turn off the air or turn it down,then unplug it.Wait until tomorrow til somebody with that skimmer can help.I know Yote and fishbait has that skimmer.
there are plugs that you can buy to decrease airflow into the hose. It shoves into the end of the hose and there is a second piece with threads that you screw in to cut off the air, which stops the skimming or releases air into the hose to get it working again, I forget the name. You want your water level to be in line with what is on the side of the canister. THere should be a line that says "water level". Best of luck.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
How come my pump section damn near dried up on me last night? there is no way it could have an evaporation rate like that... I woke up and checked on it at like 6:00 am and it was down to the top of the pump... so i dumped in another gallon, wake up and its almost down there again? there are no leaks... whats up?