What to do next? I think my tank is cycled...

Alright, ill have to pick up a cheap timer tomorrow, ohh! the leathery things are having little zit things pop out with little things all over them all of a sudden, does that mean they are happy?

You mean the polyps are trying to extend.Sure thats a good sign,don't worry if you don't seem them extend for awhile or see them peel.Leathers are funny like that when first introduced.
anyone notice on average how much extra your electric bills were after getting higher powered lights? mine are 216 watt... I think i should offer my grandparents some money every month for the increase i think... or isnt it that much of a jump?
Anyone know what this thing is yet? it opened up a little bit... And i noticed my 6 line go up to it before it was open and he freaked out and ran into it and a little finger piece came off and wriggled around, i dont think he intentionally nipped it, and he hasnt done it again...
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS A MONTH?? OH MY GOD. thats insane!! with my t5's I shouldnt see much of a jump at all? Ill just ask my grandparents (that are generous enough to let me live here while I'm in school) how much the bill went up and offer to pay it...
Yeah i guess... Our electric bill went up to almost 100$ when i moved in with all my home theatre stuff and big screen HDTV's and alienware power hungry computer running all the time and my AC all summer... ill start turning off the computer at night to offset the lights some. Also the A/C is gone for the year...
That looks like another type of leather to me. Colt, maybe? I didn't see a difference at all in my electric bill when I ran T5s. But since I added my new halides, the bill jumped by approximately $100/month. :(

I'm going to disagree with Biff on your coral.I think its a kenya tree.

I havnt seen any jump im my electric bill since I started my tank,But I'm running T-5s too.
Yeah my friend came over today and checked out the corals his dad gave me, he was surprised they had opened up so much and were doing so good already. He did say something about that one being a tree. I remember his dads tank, it was COVERED in that tree stuff, he said he just threw it away by the handfulls a few weeks ago, along with some of those pulsing xenias. Those leathers are looking pretty cool today as well, all the little polyps are open now and stuff. I bought some Marine snow when i was at dr foster and smith the other day, figuring id have coral eventually and it was cheap enough. How often should I feed my corals? about once a week? I didnt even read the instructions yet, i was too tired last night.
i make a blender mush of all kinds of different stuff ...

mysis, brine, squid, silversides, cyclopeeze, oyster eggs, fresh shrimp (uncooked), clams, scallops, and phytoplankton.

just thaw it all out and mixit together in a blender or food processor and freeze it in a little RO/DI water. my last batch has lasted me for almost 6 months, and it costed me about $40. oh yeah, dont forget the nori in the mush.
you can buy a squirt bottle of coral food that is concerntrated that will last a loooooong time. you feed it twice a week. My goniapora loves it and thrives. I will get the name for you tomorrow.

-Dr Marco :sfish: