What to do next? I think my tank is cycled...

yes. Flake food is not useful. Some people like pellets, but it contaminates the water SO MUCH. Get frozen food, like mysis shrimp (avoid brine shrimp, not worth it) and emerald entree. Don't worry about the fish and your shrimp. If it were to attack, you would know it. Don't worry about it.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
That shrimp will take care of himself,lol.Besides,I have yet to see a damsel attack a cleaner shrimp.
And Doc and Piggys right about flakes and pellets.The second that hit the water they start dissolving and leaching ash which is basically just another name for phosphate.
Now calm down and ENJOY your tank:Cheers:
I just got home from work and hes still alive! holding his own. Im glad. hes so fun to watch! At the store the owner put the other shrimp like I got into a differnt tank, and a damsel killed it instantly... The owner then grabbed the damsel and said "hows it feel to be picked on" and threw him in the lionfish tank and, instantly they cornered the damsel and it was sitting in the corner cowering for its life, then he pulled it out and threw it in a seperate tank...
Hmm,That damsel was a wuss.:mrgreen:
We did a damsel that way at the LFS I help at.The lil sucker started picking on the grouper and triggers we put him in with.:grumble:
Could some one help me decide on a fish plan? Im thinking I wanna keep to smaller/medium sized fish, bright in color and coral friendly because I wanna get some lighting some time in the future and start with some soft corals and SPS a guy in town said he would GIVE me frags from... Tomorrow is my day off, so im going to try and get my sump/fuge set up and catch the damn zels. I think I can nab the tuxedo, cause he is ENTHRALLED with the blue LED's from my camera, no matter where he is, he will immediately shoot towards the glass and start harassing the lights. But the blue one is going to be tricky, hes more reclusive... and the LFS doesnt have a fish trap. any suggestions on making one? I read about a 2 liter bottle with the top cut off and turned around (like the bee traps you make with mt. dew in the bottom) only with a bigger opening.

What should be my next step towards my fish goal? I really like clowns, I like the 6 line wrass I see people talking about all the time. What are other good options for my tank?
Also, today might pose a heat issue, I took out my window A/C unit cause it was like practically ready to snow here, now its like 84 degrees today + and my tank is rising slowly. its at 80.1 right now and i have to head to work in 15 minutes? Should i have a family member monitor it and drop in a small bag of ice in a clean sealed bag if it gets any higher? Ive got half my lights off right now and a fan blowing on it with the doors open on top of it... whats a max I want to let it get to? I dont really like the look of it over 80 for some reason, i usually stay around 76.5 or so. The sun wont be down for another few hours yet too.. and its upstairs, so all the damn heat rises and its very hard to deal with... Ive got a digital thermometer with warning beeps and stuff, but im not sure what its set at for a max... never hit it before.
Im shutting down my computer and heading to work, ill try and check the forums on my treo if i get bored, this Alienware puts out some heat that I dont need right now. Ive got my cousin watching the temp and i have a bag of ice in the freezer and told him to drop it in if it gets up to 80.5 and try to keep it between 77-80.
sixline,maybe clown if you want to get bitten everytime you stick your arn in the tank.clowns will also chase other fish,firefish,yellow tang if you have a good skimmer,algea blenny,and tw0 yellow fairy wrasse
80 degrees is just fine. My tank lives between 78-82. You really don't need to worry unless you get over 85.

As for fish. Pick colors and species that you really like. I suggest finding your "prize" fish. search online, in books, etc and find "THE" fish. Once you have that, plan the rest of your tank around that fish and what other fish will get along with it.

Good luck.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Im going to agree with Doc.80 degrees is not bad.Mine stays between 80 and 82 through the summer.

As for your first fish,Again Docs right on the money.Find the one fish that you just got to have then plan your tank around that.

But beware,Peaceful fish need to go in first,then the more aggressive fish.
Yup. Listen to Yote, passive fish first, tangs, angels, triggers, wrasses, etc last

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Temperture range should be about 78 to 84. Your at the fun part now picking out fish. get what you like. Just stay away from the mean damsels.
I'm at work bored on my treo, so its a bit slow. for fish I like I really love the dwarf lionfish, but they are kind of out of the question with my tank. I wanna keep small fish mainly until I get out of school and get a big tank. I'm kinda limited on space for tangs too aren't I? they get to be a bit on the big side don't they?
I'm at work on my treo bored. my favorite fish would prolly be the dwarf lionfish. but from what I understand that's out of the question cause it will eat everything and nip at corals? other than that I like clowns. my tank isn't the biggest so I should stick to more small fish than a few large I think...