Could some one help me decide on a fish plan? Im thinking I wanna keep to smaller/medium sized fish, bright in color and coral friendly because I wanna get some lighting some time in the future and start with some soft corals and SPS a guy in town said he would GIVE me frags from... Tomorrow is my day off, so im going to try and get my sump/fuge set up and catch the damn zels. I think I can nab the tuxedo, cause he is ENTHRALLED with the blue LED's from my camera, no matter where he is, he will immediately shoot towards the glass and start harassing the lights. But the blue one is going to be tricky, hes more reclusive... and the LFS doesnt have a fish trap. any suggestions on making one? I read about a 2 liter bottle with the top cut off and turned around (like the bee traps you make with mt. dew in the bottom) only with a bigger opening.
What should be my next step towards my fish goal? I really like clowns, I like the 6 line wrass I see people talking about all the time. What are other good options for my tank?