Bobby, lol.. Even with tongs!! LMAO!! And my friend from the LFS!! LMAO!!! Yeah right... He'd rather look at me and have a good lagh!!! Just like when I bought the 3 turbo snails and the 2 clown fish. I placed the clowns in a bucket and the snails in a different bucket and did the dripping method. he came over to help me out, and he made me pick the snails!!!! I hate snails!! It scares the sh*t out of me!!! And I bought 3 snails, and they all sticked toghether. He made me pull on it to separate the 3 snails. just doing that took me probably half an hour!!! I was pulling on the snails so hard, and they would come out of the shell and still be stuck to the other snails. Once I could feel that i would put so much tension and they would still be stuck, I'd just throw them back in the bucket and run away like a wuss!!! He was laghing so hard at me!!!!!!! Even tho I was trying my best, didn t matter how many times i asked him to do it, he'd force me to do it and just lagh the whole time!!! So if I ask him about the worm, forget it, he's gonna make me pick it with my hands!!!!!!!!!!! And he's gonna have a free comedy show!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! No WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even with tongs... No way.. Just to see the worm move around... Even in my tank, it discuss me!!!
And Jelleyman, Yes, you would of laghed forever to see my face when I seen this creepy thing crawled out from my rock!!! I probably looked like this
->:shock: i think it was probably a kodak moment!!! I'm just not a big fan of worms, snails, spiders and stuff like that.... I don't mind fish, shrimps... But even whenill buy corals, not sure how I will handle that.. Must have a real weird texture....