What is next...?

I'm sure some people can set one up with out outbreaks, but I would think it is very hard and unlikely. Its just a part of a maturing tank.
They can indeed but its going to take alot of water changing to keep your params in line was your rock precured??
Algae outbreaks are regular occurrences in a new tank. Especially if you make changes to your setup (i.e. get new lights). As you get a better hang of your tank they'll get less frequent and eventually taper off. It happens to the best of us!

Here is what my water tested Jan 16th(3 days ago):
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 10-20ppm
Ammonia 0.25
Phosphate 0.25
PH 8.0
Salinity 1.23

I have some water that I mixed couple days ago. Will be doing a water change tonight...Like you said, inverts are not very tolerant, but snails? Aren't they "hardy"?
Yes some more than others just get you a couple see how they hold out the easiest way for you to find out is to expierement and being as snails arent that much I would do it I have seen snails in some pretty horrid conditions.

P.S. good params BTW
and the KH 9degree DKG (161.1 ppm KH)......

Hum.. SO Jelleyman, the water is not doing that bad??? Well the rocks that I had , probably about 100 lbs were pre cured and 40 lbs were not...
*****So how long do you think it will take before my water is normal?? and good to go?????????????

Any hardy snails that you know of??? Sure, i can try a couple.. I won't buy 20!! LMAO... 2-4 snails and see how they do....What about the Turbo snails? Anyhow let me know if anyone here knows of any hardy snails...
yes go with turbo there good about cleaning your rock and not mowing down the detrimental stuff as for your water yes its looking good as for how long to wait your asking the wrong person on that one I waited for 8 months before I put a fish in my tank just to be sure, though you can get away with it in about a month I would go for a hardy fish just in case it is not completely cycled and not a physco one like a blue damsel. but yeah 2-4 snails get em log em report there progress should be fine.
But the damsels are aggressive fish? What if I don't want any aggressive fish?? All i really want in there to start is 2 clowns and 1 Yellow tang.
And after that, I don't know... I guess I wanna go with inverts.. but later on....

Before I buy a fish, Do my Nitrites and Nitrates and Amonia have to be at 0? Any other tough fish that is not aggressive? I tought that clowns were hardy? Not hardy enogh to break a new tank?
No, no, no honey that is actually what I meant was more along the lines of a hardy clown the damsels go psycho thats why I said a hardy fish other than the psycho blue damsel yes go with clowns lol and no your params do not have to be at zero that just lets you know your cycle is complete you can raise fish in it now but I would wait a little while longer :)
HAAAA!! Yeah.. Way better... I was wondering for the damsel.... Hum.. Well I guess I will start with a couple snails.... if the snails survive for about 3 weeks, I could probably start adding my 2 clowns....

Anyhow, ill start with the snails, and take it from there.....

What about the True Percula Clowns? How are they? And the Occelaris Clowns? I like these 2....
I dont know about the purcs I have never been able to keep em. I have had sucess with maroons, saddlebacks, clarkis, and ocelaris clowns. Any of those should do fine and who knows purcs may survive for you, it may very well have been the place I got them from. Youll do fine. Good luck keep me updated.
Any of these clows that are more Hardy and peaeful then others???

I don't hate the marons clowns as well... They look amazing!

ANyhow, I have to go to the hairdresser this afternoon and my LFS is real close to it. So I will go and buy a couple snails... Will keep you updated on the snails survival!! LMAO....

Thank you so much for your help!! All of you on here are amazinG!!!
some people im not naming names jermpool dont like the maroons I love em there great fish peaceful to there own breed very curious fish Id be glad to discuss them with you when you have time you can also ask patrick he has a pair as well, as for difference not really there all about the same I just like the purple its a pretty look and my daughters fav color is purple. Take care have a good day and your welcome.
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One more question..... I'm full of questions!!!

If I do buy some clowns, Do I have to purchase an anemone as well? I really WANT to purchase an anemone, but will it survive in a new tank? I just don t want to purchase a bunch of stuff and kill it. Will the clowns feel at home without their anemone?
No, they dont need an anemone right away that is something you can add later remember when you do purchase one make sure you purchase prefilter sponges for all intake valves in your tank filter, powerheads, skimmer etc. I would let the tank cycle more add it later they will be fine with out it Im not even getting one for my tank I picked up a frogspawn night before last.
Sounds good! so i will go and pick up some snails tonight. And I just have to wait and see how they will be doing in the tank...Can snails crawl out of my tank as I have no top on it yet....
My clown of choice is the pink skunk. People have different tastes.

Snails won't climb out. They need water. Astraea snails will hang out at the water's edge because they are a tide-pool species, but I've never had one commit suicide by dessication...

I have a tomato clown. She's cool. Tomatoes are very hardy. Kinda boring looking, not as pretty as the other kinds, but I wouldn't trade mine in!

Anemones are a bad choice for new tanks. People suggest your tank should be stable for at least a year before adding an anemone. Plus they have high lighting requirements (at least 8 watts per gallon) and are kinda hard to keep as they are very sensitive to water parameters. Your clowns will be perfectly fine without one.