What is next...?

Hum, No I didn't say I have star in my rocks... I was asking if a star would help clean up the debris at the bottom of my tank and on my rocks....

Bifferwine, I did a waterchange today. Scrapped out all the algae that I could. The guy i met at the LSF came by today, and yes indeed, it is green hair algae!!! My phos is at 0. Nitrate is at 20 tho...... So hope the water change will help.... HOW OFTEN SHOULD I DO A WATER CHANGE???? once a week? Twice a week??? And I did cut down on the light.... The lunar lights don't do anything right??? It dosn t matter is the lunars works from 8pm til 8am??

************* I woke up this morning, and only found 1 clown in my tank... They were usually always chillin toghether...i was looking for the other one all over but coudn t find it.... I added some water in my overflow, looked down on my carpet, and here was the other clown. All dryed out on my carpet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :frustrat: :frustrat: :frustrat: :shock: :shock: :shock: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :frustrat: :frustrat: I called my friend that works at the LSf right away!! He tought I was crying cause i was just so disapointed!!!!! I was all sad.... and traumatized that I had to pick up my dryed out clown from my carpet!! So went and bought another clown today.... They are already chillin together... Hope this will not happen again!!!!!!
You can do water changes weekly or biweekly. If weekly do 10% if biweekly do 20%. Thats just what I do though some people are different.
Sorry to hear about your clown :cry: . If you want to keep fish from jumping to their deaths in the future, you can stop by Home Depot or Lowe's and pick up a sheet of eggcrate, then you can cut it to fit the top of your tank. This way light will still get in, but fish won't be able to leave. You can find eggcrate in the lighting section.

A star will help keep your bottom clean, and if your ammonia and nitrite are 0 and your nitrates are 20, I think it'd be okay for you to try a brittle star if you wanted to. Be careful to acclimate it properly for a long time before adding it to your tank though, they need to be acclimated longer than fish do. And they do not tolerate high nitrates. They will start falling apart if your nitrates are too high (it's really disgusting. I know this because my brittle star died during my nitrate spike 6 months ago! It's gross).

The lunar lights don't do anything for your algae.
Bobby, i did a water change of abour 20% so iguess I will wait a couple weeks before I do another one... because my tank is cycling, am I not supposed to do more water change then usual??

Bifferwine, When i went to my local LSF yesterday to buy another clown, I checked at stars they had. The only stars they had were the orange ones (EXPERTS) and they had some green serpent stars (looked amazing).... They did not had any brittle stars... Green serpent star would do?? After my change, i chcked my nitrates and it went down to 10. My ammonia, down to 0. nitrites 0. Hum.... Well.. how high does your nitates have to be for the star to start falling apart???
Anything higher than 20 and it will be stressed. Not sure that would definitely kill it though. Serpent stars are hardy too.
Water changes are really the only way to get rid of nitrates (besides using a chemical or special filter media), so you will have to continue doing regular water changes as often as necessary. Like Bobby said, once every couple weeks is a good idea. I do 10% once a week.
My clowns started hagning out at the top of the water in a corner of the tank.... is that normal that they're just swimming up there...??? Something wrong with my water for them to do that...???
Somebody else had this prob and it seemed the main theory was lack of oxygen. Do your power heads ripple the water surface? What is your temp at?
Do you have a lid on the tank? Do you have a skimmer? What kind of filters are you running? You want the temp to be 76-78 and the top of the water to move around as much as posible to mix with air.
My water temp is at 76 degrees this morning. No, my powerheads does not ripple at the water surface........ What should i do..?

It just seems weird and not so normal to see my fish hagning out in a corner totally on top of the water.....They ate well yesterday night, but there again, they were just on top..... And both are doing the same...
Hi bobby,

Yes, I have 2 skimmers. I have a wet/dry filter with a skimmer integrated in it. Then i also have a Remora Pro Skimmer with mag pump hagning at the back on my tank.... Like I said the water temp is at 76 degrees this morning.... I have 2 power heads (1 on each end of my tank), plus the water return flor from the wet/dry filter/skimmer which is almost on the middle but a little on the left side. and My remora skimmer which is almost in the middle but more on the right side.... And no, i do not have a lid on my tank.... all i have is my light on top but there is about a 3" gap....

Any toughts... My power heads are kinds running sideways.. Should I move the head and try and make it ripple at the water surface...??? Could that help..?
You need motion on the water surface to mix water with air. Face a power head at the top and see if it helps. The more water tubulance the better.
I would think with all the movement in a wetdry you would have good air mixture. You can still try and get more and see if it helps.