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I turn my filter and skimmer off at feeding time to.Only I leave them off for 45 minutes to an hour,that way my filter feeding critters get something for supper.
I don't turn anything off. My fish eat so quickly that nothing has a chance to get to the overflow box before the fish get to it.
Hum.. So i guess it all depends on the fish... My clowns are not so fast on the food.. Especially when i feed then flake... One day I feed them flakes, the next, i feed them the marine frozen stuff... And it takes them forever to realize it is food floating up there...lol...So I started turning off everything to give them a chance... But was wondering if i was the only one doing so...
One more question, I woke up this morning and the water coming out of my W/D filter had a bunch of air bubbles in it. And it was just blowing crazy air bubbles all over my tank... I added water in it cause of the overflow. i figured that some water must of just evaporated.. I added about 2 liters of freshwater. and still makes bubbles and my water is still under the minimum level in the W/D filter... How many liters am I suppose to add? Am I suppose to add only freshwater in it...??? I just don't want to add too much freshwater and then get my salinity to drop...

I made a waterchange last saturday (about 5 days ago) and the water lever in my W/D filter was way over the maximum level.... how many liters or gallons should evaporate in a week out of a 90 gallon tank??
What do you mean by my runoff from the filter???

I have the overflow on hagning on my tank. then the w/d filter is under my tank. TheW/D filter under my tank has marks on it that says minimum and maximum water level. After my water change, i was way over the maximum level.. And today After adding about 2 liters of fresh water, i'm still under the minimum level. So when the water goes back up to my tank and out by the drain thing back in my tank, it is water and bubbles. Like little tiny bubbles... All over the water returning in my tank... lol... kind of hard to explain....should I take a pic?/lol...
No lol if it is still below the min level you should fill it should decrease the bubble volume if not, there is air getting in somehow.
But if I fill it, should I fill it with regular freshwater, or with salt water. I added 2 liters this morning, it was fine for about 1 hour after and now it still makes bubbles.... ??!! So Fill it with fresh water??? My salinity is not gonna drop?
Hum.. Well.. yeah.. it is a little low.. About 1" from the top... I usually fills it about to 1/4- 1/8 of an inch to the top... SO might be low a little.... I guess I m just gonna add some fresh water right now....
It's a good idea to do top offs regularly so that your water level doesn't fluctuate much. I have to replace at least one gallon every night in my tank. Water evaporates faster than you'd think it does. Always replace evaporated water with fresh water, like Jelly said, the salt stays in the tank, so if you don't add top off water regularly your salinity will slowly increase as the water level gets lower.
Bifferwine,Wow, it does evaporates fast!!! i added some water today, and will add some more tomorow.... At least my w/d folter dosn t make crazy bubbles anymore... But i just filled it enogh or it NOT to make bubbles... Will add some more fresh water tomorow... I didn't tought that this much water would evaporate in so little time!!!
Also, when i feed my clowns, there is always some food left over in my tank... Anything i can buy that will eat the left over??? What about an hermit crab??? Does hermit crab eats corals??? As I plan on having corals in a while.... What about a starfish? Is my tank 2 new to keep a star alive? or will it die? The pretty stars(the blue ones and orange ones)? Would they eat the left over food at the bottom and green algae growing all over my rocks??? HELP!!lol Any suggestions??? i want something pretty....
try feeding a little less so that the fish eat all of the food. if you feed pellets just feed small amounts (2-3) pellets. watch the fish eat them, when they stop, stop feeding them. also mark on the side of your tank where your water level is. try to replenish each day as letting water evap will cause your specific gravity to increase. HTH
Well, i try to feed them less, But they let the food sink and don't eat it... They will catch a piece here and there and that s all... And trust me, i really tru to feed to minimum, but that s still too much... That s why I was wondering if there is something i can uy that can eat food left over... cause the clowns won t touch it once it hits the bottom....