This is the DUMBEST thing I have ever saw


Reef enthusiast
A guy on another forum decided he wanted to build a 5 gal nano, ok cool go for it...this is how it went.
Day one:
Built tank out of left over glass
filled it with sand
filled it with rock
filled it with Birds Nest
Put Catalina Goby in
lights...not just any lights......let me break it down like this.....he is getting 35 watts per gal

Day Two:
Adds clown fish.....

Believe me everyone tried telling him. Everyone tried telling him EVERYTHING you could possible think of.....he called us all "haters"
After a few weeks he puts up more pics because his tank is "full of life"...oh its full alright...the cyano is so bad its covered everything the glass the rocks the sand EVERYTHING

But it gets worse

He wants to put more fish in there. A school of fish to be exact.......he gets 5 yellow its not a typo 5 YELLOW TANGS and puts them in this 5 gallon ridiculous disaster of a tank. But we are all haters for telling him what he is doing is cruel and ridiculous.
really? I'd like to see pics of this guys tank... he sounds like one of those people who like dead fish
im with wonton unless theirs pics i think its someone trollin, atleast thats what were all hoping for
I would like to see the other thread that he supposedly has. The last post is from February 2010. Doubt there is anything up to date on it.
I would like to see the other thread that he supposedly has. The last post is from February 2010. Doubt there is anything up to date on it.

This thread was from a "best ever" thread posted. Everyone was putting the most shocking/funny threads they have ever seen so yeah its a bit old but thats doesnt make it untrue LOL
Its actually pretty good, but at a certain point on chat and what not everyone gave up trying to help and just threw their hands in the air....its like a train wreck. You cant help but watch it derail
I couldn't even read the whole thread it made me so mad! People are so effing retarded. What don't they get and how can they not care! Fish still have feelings. They want to be happy too. :( I am very saddened and angered by this...
Aw geez guys, really? I love this site because people are helpful and funny. Posting mistakes other people make on other sites and then everyone here calling them "retards" is awful. Do you know how many people will read this thread? And what they will think of this site? This thread is not helpful and not funny and honestly, a bit immature and offensive. Let's keep it classy guys.
This isn't supposed to be funny. The guys is obviously some retard ass with seriouse anger issues.

There was a thread similar to that on LR, let's see if I can find it...