Hey Folks, Great place here,,& thanks! ,,maybe more experienced people can shed some light on my dilemma, I have a 56 Gallon Tank & a 25 Gallon Sump underneath with a Eshopps S-150 protein skimmer, about 40lbs of live sand & another 30lbs of live rock,, I took my time let the tank cycle for a month, after 1 month, I started putting in life, 3 emerald crabs, 6 hermit crabs & 3 Chromis, the Chromis lasted about a week, all crabs doing fine! ok fine, part of the deal, so next I added a cleaner shrimp, he has been in the tank & has already molted twice & doing great to date! , here is where it starts getting tricky, a week later I added 2 Clownfish (about 1") to date they are still in there doing fine & growing! the next week I added a Blood Red Fire Shrimp & to date it's doing fine & has molted once already, the next week I added a Yellow Tang & a Bubble Anemone, to date, both are doing just fine & dandy! the next week I added a Copper Banded Butterfly & to date he is doing fine, the next week I add a Coral Beauty, he was fine for 2 days & then bam,,,,,, started breathing heavy & swimming in one spot, I went back to the fish store with a video & the guy tells me he looks stressed,,I also brought a water sample, he said the salt was a little low but not crazy like 1.022, mind you, all other life in the tank is doing fine,,,so I do a 20% water change as per him, the next morning the Coral Beauty is dead! okay so now I am bummed,,, I let a week and a half go by & figure I will try my luck with another fish, so I buy a Sweetlips Clown, about 2 1/2" beauty, probably a bad choice because I should have researched the fish before I bought it, it seems they are difficult to keep & probably would have started eating my inverts that are in there as it grew, anyway,,, a repeat performance as the Coral Beauty, it lasted 2 days & croaked on the 3rd day,,, now I am afraid to put another fish in the tank,,do you think this was just a coincidence or am I doing something wrong?