Tank Fails!!

Oh yeah, she's seen all the pics when I came back from miami...I couldn't stop laughing at the sour look on her face.

Here's one of me next to the Bentley.

Here's one of me at the Club.

Here's one of me with 6 of my "dates"

Here's my favorite....me getting a lap dance, by not 1, but 2 strippers at the same time..

Good times.:D

So how have you and my money been?:mrgreen:
Lmao ..you guys n girls are hilarious !! :mrgreen:..

QQ- How does one get to a point when a tank fails? Might be a silly question but Im new and looking at the ....ummm pics this looks scary :death:..
If you can't see your rocks, corals or fish through the algae, then I think at that point, you can designate a Tank Fail!
Bump. There have been a lot of people posting lately discouraged with the algae problems they are having in their tanks. Maybe this thread will make you feel better. :)
God, i hate you sometimes.
I just looked back at my old bowfront tank on page 1.
Gave me the heebiejeebies!
God, i hate you sometimes.
I just looked back at my old bowfront tank on page 1.
Gave me the heebiejeebies!

This thread is great because your cube was probably the most badass tank on the site, and on page one there are two mods (me and BL1) showing how our first tanks looked, and it just proves that in this hobby, almost all of us start out the same way -- disastrous!

There is no difference between the newbies fighting algae in their tanks right now, and us fighting algae in our tanks when we started out. You do not get the hang of this hobby overnight. It sometimes takes YEARS to get a nice looking, algae free tank.

So if you are having algae problems, do not get discouraged! Hang in there! We have been through worse, I guarantee it!
I have quite a few to add here throughout my many years in the hobby.

At first it seems cool to have a cute little encrusting SPS type coral grow on your soft coral tank.

Until that damn thing takes over your tank is virtually unkillable!
And yeah, I have to contend with hair algae too.

A little caulerpa never hurt anyone, right?

Friends don't let friends get caulerpa.