Sniffles 29G

I've never been very pleased with the quality of the photos that I take of my corals, so I started playing around with my lil. point-n-shoot. Far more pleased with some that I got, but not impressed. I'm gonna try and borrow my gf's fathers nikon DSLR to take some quality photos. For your enjoyment:





Ya, Acts only in those photos. Took'em 4min. before my timer shut the lights off. I'm going to try some night shots with my LED flashlight with the blue light tonight.

Ya, pretty nasty lookin Galaxia huh? :mrgreen:
Well, took a few shots with my g/fs fathers DSLR, but it couldn't zoom close enough to get macro shots. Also, picked up a Blastomussa, Zoa frag and a Red Fromia starfish. Also, other random shots.








Also, while acclimating the new additions I discovered Asterina stars on the Blastomussa frag plug. Easily disposed of them with some tweezers. There were also amphipods and copepods on the plug, so hey! free pods!

After accilimating, during the transfer from the bag to the tank, my female clown found it necessary to try and attack my fist as I placed it in the water with the frag. Well, she went flying out and to the floor. I dropped the frag into the tank and saved her little fishy life, kinda banged her face on the edge of the tank but maybe it knocked some sense into her :mrgreen:. It didn't.... she went back to attacking my hand even harder.

My g/f is worried about the starfish. I told her that it won't move as fast as our serpent starfish does. She's still worried though. As am I, a little.
:question: Ted what's a Saltwater tank without a Clown? :shock:
answer; one in my house. lol The last thing I want is for a fish to think hes the boss. As soon as a fish starts attacking me or killing things I want to add hes days would be numbered. When I got out of this hobby a few years back it was because of a yellow tang. I couldnt kill the thing because my daughter had named it. Also couldnt take it back to the store for the same reason. I had a fowlr tank for a year and a half with only a yellow tang in it because it killed all the other fish. When it died I stored the tank for a few years. What are the chances of me ever getting another Yellow tang. 0%
use a cup or a pitcher and take it to the bottom of your tank this will help you toget less dust and sand all over. I would also put some pillow batting in you filter to help filter the dust out quicker.

you can get pillow batting from walmart.