Reef's 210g. Journal

Here is a pic of the red lobo I was talking about. I had no idea how rare it was until after I got rid of it. I traded it in for a majestic angel


Oh, I forgot about a nice school of yellow coris wrasses. they are pretty reef safe, but may take a liking to your snails if they are underfed. just as colorful as a yellow tang, but cooler as they swim around together

I need to put a top on my tank before I get a wrasse.My first choice is a Velvet Multicolor wrasse or a Scott's Fairy.As far as Yellow tang,not my cup of tea-a little to common for me.I will get something thats vibrant yellow,a foxface maybe.

Doc,I've seen a few Mimic tangs...are you talking about a Yellow Mimic?I will check out the rest of those tangs you mentioned.

Oh yeah,I seen that kind of lobo before online.Never at the LFS though.They are either like mine,solid reddish/orange or solid green.Maybe the one you use to have is rare.
my yellow wrasses never jumped. As for the mimc tang, there is a yellow one and a different one that looks like an ebili angelfish, with a blue tail.

Biff,your right,it looks kind of blah.Tonight,I will be ordering $300-400 worth of fish and maybe one coral,either a Acan,micro or blastos.This will be the first time that I ever ordered fish online.I'll be using Liveaquaria because of the 14 day guarantee and the 2 week plus QT they do,treated for illness and they must be eating too.

So far...

Purple tang.........................................$99
Acan Lord Maricultured.....17-20 heads....$79(maybe,not sure yet)
Desjardini Sailfin...................................$37

Sorry Doc,they don't have a Sohal
What else,help me?
the pic of the mimic you showed was not the fish I was thinking of. It is an Indian Ocean variety. It is not super-expensive, but very pretty. they look just like the ebili angel. They may even be called the ebili mimic tang. check it out.

Let's see, desjardini, purple (no Sohal, you will just have to covet mine:Cheers:), how about the Regal (passive and just amazing color), Achilles (acanthrus) Tangs are just incredible. My LFS just got two in and they are amazing. not too hardy, but if they are available and eating may be worth it. Look to get a tang from Acanthrus. that would be clown tang, achilles, powder blue, powder brown, white-cheek, atlantic blue...OH YEAH, Check for an Atlantic Blue...that are AWESOME!!!

OK, Atlantic Blue or Achilles.

Lets see,the only Mimic they have is a Yellow Mimic.Its a pretty Yellow as a juvenile but are an ugly brown as an adult.I couldn't find an Ebili Mimic on there site.A Dory isn't my cup of tea

They do have a 6'' Sohal in the Diver's Den.It is $180 which is a bit much for me.One pretty ass fish though.They do have Achilles,Powder Brown and Blue in stock.According to Liveaquaria,all there fish are treated for illness/parasites and must be eating to be sold.Hopefully thats true.

This is what I have so far.

Purple Tang.......$100
Desjardini Sailfin..$37
3 Dispars...........$75
1 Tiger Queen Anthias....$35
Geez Doc,I love the color of the Achilles.The black/Dark Purple with the orange marking makes for one striking fish.It says ''Expert Only'' which scares the crap out of me.I'll decide on something in shortly before I get to bed.
i have yellow tang, sailfin tang, scopas tang, not sure what kind i will get next, i need to catch 2 mono argentinas and get them out of my big tank they can get huge.
Too late guys and gals.

I ordered a Purple Tang,Desjardini Sailfin and A Powder Brown.PLEASE LORD NO ICH!Oh and a Tiger Queen Anthias.I left out the three Dispars,I figured it would be too much at one time.I swear if they kill each other or die from something else,it will be a reef full of Chromis.Sorry Doc,I just not as brave as you.