Reef's 210g. Journal

wow..i wish i had a tank like yours freak...great job..good to know that you have your big tak te me new aquascaping looks better !!...tank really looks awsome..can imagine when those corals start to grow!
I said not til January,not April.Quit trying to tack on more months.

While I'm at it,might as show a couple new additions.Hey,I finally bought a tang.She's a lil' one,maybe 3-4'' and eating like a cow.

Lobo and Naso Tang




Doc,I was thinking about getting Lion to spruce up this pic for TOTM.
What do you think?
2108189.jpg's're a d*&k.

Great pics tho. You just have me beat...hands down....your pants!

good luck with the Naso. They are great fish. If i had more room, I would nab one. There is one at the LFS, but I just don't want to make the commitment

I had big plans at the LFS this weekend.Somehow I knew the pickings would be slim.They had a show size male with streamers for $200.I hate to start off with a Naso that size.I was going to get a Foxface Lo but it look like it had hole in the head.Also they were going to sell me a Purple Tang out of there show tank but couldn't catch the bastard.It was pretty tiny,maybe 3''.

Sometime in the couple of weeks,I'm going to get a Purple tang and one other tang-don't know what yet.Plus,3 Dispars and 2 more female Barlett's.
I like the Lobo and tang.
I want a Lobo,but all I can find are green ones.

I think you should let Lion work his magic on the FTS though.
Maybe I shouldn't of post pics so soon.Bifferwine(Naso) died today.I guess that what I get for naming it after Sarah.Ah well,R.I.P Biffer-I will miss you even though you weren't with us very long.Sad,she was eating well too.

I'm having a wake this afternoon for all who wants to pay there last respects.

I mourn your loss. TOo bad, I liked the look of Sarah. She was a pretty fishy. A moment of silence.............

OK, now then, what are you going to get to replace her?

BTW, I have been scoping out red lobos here in Utah, but they are never full when I see them and I am holding out for the one with a blue-green center

I don't know whats next....any suggestions besides angels?
A purple is on my list but it needs to be last or introduce at the same time.Hey,wait a second,I haven't finish mourning my lost yet.Oh well,NEXT!
Gimme a three tang list.

I've never seen a Lobo with blue/green center.
Hmmm... Redline named a fish after me too, and it died shortly afterwards.

That picture is funny. I like how you put the name on the coffin. Seems like a rash of naso deaths lately, first Redline's, then whoever got that one that was crushed by the rocks (was it Ctimpson?), then this one... I think, like the diamond gobies, that the nasos have a suicide pact that they are following through with.

RIP Bifferwine the naso. Sad to see you go. But you will be happier in the afterlife...
Sohal, Sailfin, Vlamingi...or Sohal, Vlamingi, Purple. I would love to see a mimic tang in your tank too - the one that looks like an ebili angel

oh yeah, and a Navarchus Angelfish - you won't regret it
