Reef's 210g. Journal

sorry about that, and for hijacking your thread. I figured we have been through enough together to warrant droping a line on your thread. I figure it only makes more people want to visit your thread. I am doing this for you, Dominick

sorry about that, and for hijacking your thread. I figured we have been through enough together to warrant droping a line on your thread. I figure it only makes more people want to visit your thread. I am doing this for you, Dominick


You can hijack anytime my friend.I can tell you're excited about your new fishes.
heres a Tang for ya reeffreek.
Atlantic Blue Tang

you can appreciate the joy of having the Bartletts Anthias. Thanks for your support of my giddiness. I can hardy sit still in my chair at work, I just want to go home and stare at my two tanks and their new additions.

As for you Biff - it is OK to let us men have a moment of non-homosexual man-love and appreciation from time to time. I have those moments with you as well. I hope you are not jealous. If so, I will make more effort to "e-snuggle" with you. oooo, did I just coin a new Internet phrase there?

"E-Snuggle". You heard it here first - tell your friends!!!

Biff,Doc-you two crack me up!E-snuggle,gonna need to remember that.

Yote,I have part of my order here.The Desjardini and Powder Brown came today.They are babies but they are eating,really healthy looking tangs with no abrasions like I've seen at the LFS.The Purple Tang and Tiger Queen(Lori's Anthias)is on backorder.It could take up to 2 weeks to fill the order.Thats okay though,give my system to adjust to the added bioload.

Here are my babies-Kirk(sailfin),Jean Luc(powder brown),Sisko(male anthias) and Janeway(female bartlett).Kirk and Jean Luc seem to be inseparable.I don't know why?





Here's some useless info for everyone.Did you know anthias is pronounced an-thigh-us and not an-the-us.I have a few macro shot to show also,in a minute.
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Thanks Mik,I was going to name it after people on here but it too sad having to mention that Mcgyver or Rigo kicked the bucket.

Boooooo,Hisssssssss,Biff get off the stage!
great pics Reef. I am impressed with your tangs. It is actually a good thing to have the purple on back order. that way the other two can get established before the pain-in-the-a$$ gets there.
