Reef's 210g. Journal


I haven't seen pics of your new pics yet. Your fishies should have arrived by now. I am anxiously awaiting pics!!1

They went out today.It should be here by 10:30am.I'm not sure what they are sending since the email doesn't say jack shit.
I will be praying that they will be alive come morning.
I have good news for the most part.All the fish arrived alive.Two of the fish that were on my list didn't ship-the Purple Queen and Sunset Anthias.The rest are alive and kicking.I'll post pics of the ones alive and not hiding this evening.Doc,I don't know about you but the lyretails(male and female) are pretty as heck.I also got an Evansi anthias,NOW THATS ONE PRETTY ANTHIAS!.Hope it lives,its listed as difficult.

Here's the list(I'll take some pics later today)
3 dispars
1 evansi
1 Bicolor Blenny
1 male lyretail
1 female lyretail

How the heck did 100% of your fish arrive alive, and 2/3 of mine came dead?? Your fish look really good. I'm happy that you are satisfied with your fish. They will be a nice addition to your tank.
I was for sure they would be belly up this morning.It was a chilly 25 degrees this morning.Man,I lovin' these anthias-I want more,more more!Heck,I might make another order tonight.
Here's pics of anthias that were photogenic.The evansi is alive(yay!)but will not come out of the cave.They all seem to huddle together in there,thats nice.I hope my Bartletts join there party.BTW Yote,thanks,I always drip acclimate when they come through the mail.

Here's the female lyretail,male lyretail and dispars.I didn't bother with taking a pic of the bicolor blenny-such a bland looking fish.The female lyretail is electric-the yellow and orange/pink is so bright.I hope to get a pic of the evansi before it croaks.I also have to say,the dispars look really nice for a $14 fish.





AWESOME!!! Good Hell, I love seeing those fish all in the same tank. Just beautiful. I am awe of them. Please post more, please show me the whole tank shot!!!

I'' try to get some full tanks shots tomorrow Doc,They are all swimming together at times,man its so pretty watching the colors go by.You were so right,they do school together.Suppose safety in numbers but so far the bartletts hasn't joined them.I still want a sunset and purple so I'm hunting online for some tonight or maybe even something else.

Sorry about you bartletts that had died,mine seem such big eaters.Yours could of been an old fish maybe.
the two that have survived are amazing eaters. I will add two more when my LFS gets them.

Glad you enjoy them. It was my pleasure to recommend them to your tank.

The dispars were cheap-$13.50 each,the evansi was $30,male lyretail-$13.50,female lyretail-$20.

The dispars and male lyretail was 1/2 off.
Nice fish Freak! I need to take pics of mine this weekend. Although a school of 4 isn't that impressive... :( I was talking to my LFS and he recommended feeding A LOT of cyclopeeze to keep the anthias happy (since they are mainly planktonic feeders). He said cyclopeeze up to 4 times a day. I've been feeding mine mysis and cyclopeeze twice a day so far, and all 4 of them are doing great and schooling and staying out in the open. I just can't believe I only got 4 out of the 11 that I ordered. How disappointing.
I'm feeding cyclops,mysis and prime reef to the anthias.It seems some love the cyclops and others prefer larger size portions.I'm feeding 2-3 times a day,not more food just more often.You should still get pics up and might as well order some more.Heck,I ordered two more female bartletts from the LFS for next friday.

Here are some more shots and FTS.


