Reef's 210g. Journal

YOU'RE BACK!!! Glad to hear it. It was such a scary thought to lose your insight, experience and passion on this forum. I hope your fish and corals are doing OK in your sump.

-Dr Marco :sfish::sfish:
Thanks Doc,so far so good-no loses.I'm kinda partial to my new Bartlett's,I hope those guys will be okay.Actually most of the livestock is in the old 75 gallon.It is filled with about 220lbs of live rock which makes for very little swimming room.I still can't believe just a few days ago I was asking about adding some tangs to having no tank.
You will get back there. I am glad you like the Christmas Anthias. They are really pretty. I am about 2 weeks out from ordering mine. I just added a Royal Gramma, but I have never had success with them. It was a total impulse buy, but what the heck, it was $12.

Keep up the plans for tangs, a week is nothing for time in the scope of this hobby.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
a week is nothing for time in the scope of this hobby.

-Dr Marco :sfish:

Errrr.....its a week and a half.With my patients,thats an eternity.

Speaking of Bartlett's Doc,I end of only getting one male/two females.Two females were lost at the LFS.One of the females is looking more and more like the male with streamer on the top fin.Darn so much with keeping them females.I will add 4 more females when I can get everything settled.I really love em,maybe 4 female Dispars since they are cheap and I've read they school with Barlett's.
Most anthias will school with each other. If you are looking for true beauty, give purple queens a shot. If you can find them eating, they are just brilliant fish.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
ROTFLMFAO!!! Biff, you kill me. That was really funny for some reason, maybe lack of sleep, but I was busting up....oops, I may have peed a bit....

-Dr Marco :sfish:
hmm, i'll bet biff had something to do with you're tank leaking reef! it was part of her evil plan to get algae in you're tank!
here's how i'm thinking it went down, she slipped into you're house while you were at work and sliced the seal on the tank with a razor. knowing that you would have to get a replacement tank and rush to set it back up versus waiting on it to cycle and mature to keep from losing any livestock. she was thinking that the quick startup with all that livestock added back in at once will cause a huge algae bloom, which would make her succeed at putting the biffy voodoo algae hex on one more tank!
I agree Fish,Biff can't stand anyone out doing her.Its not about giving everyone algae,its way more sinister than that.My advice,everybody start putting buckets under the tank.
if it every happens got lots of rubbermaid totes with clothes and junk packed away 2 of them are big 50 gallon rubbermaid totes/ emergency live rock storage if need be.
HA in the which Biff had a starring role, when she died her hair black!!! Classic Dominick!!!

-Dr Marco :sfish: