Reef's 210g. Journal

Thanks guys/gals,
If anybody who would understand what I'm going through,it would be my friends on here.

Luckily no the floors are okay and I was home to catch it early.It might of been a half gallon of water on the floor before I caught it.That was my fuge under the tank EagleEyes,its now a make shift home for some of my fish and liverock.The 75 gal. is so packed to the rim with live rock and so far no lost.If I can't get this resolved quickly,I going to sell my livestock cheaply or give it away to a free home.Tomorrow,hopefully I will get some answers.
Wow freak, thats a crazy situation. As soon as the tank is replaced I am sure you will be back to the level you were at before. Dont give up on the hobby, it would be a shame, especially with your reefer talent....
man! I can't believe that happened to you! that really sucks. especially since that was a brand new tank. you just don't expect things like that to happen.
holy sh?t, i would be all over all glass for that never heard of such a thing. I've had small leak on tank before but it was slow and i drained it and fixed it. I agree i would make them replace it and send something else for the mess you've been through. And than let you keep the old tank so you can repair it and sell it for some money. Sorry freak for all the trouble hope you don't get out maybe just spur of moment anger but you have one of the model tanks of the hobby for us to build from. I couldn't imagine getting out cause i don't have time for other hobbies plus this is something to do i winter time and at same time keeps me at home with family and the best part is when friends and family come over and just the looks on there face when they see my tanks and all the life in it there all like kids staring in toy store window. Thats another awesome thing about hobby most people will never see stuff like that in ocean in there life and make me feel good when there all in shock glued to my fish tank. We also had a fragswap and this time we got alot of members to trade corals and give out alot of freebees which usually dont happen everyone wants to sell $$$$$$ so everything i took i gave for free and traded a few and the look on the faces from all the new reefers that showed up at fragswap was cool cause they got tons of stuff for free and tons of advice they help many since alot were getting screwed from lame advice from lfs.
Don't get out man we need your advice and help freak just think of it as another project thats the fun part building systems.
Damn it bo.
Hate to read that damn sure Reef.
And I agree with the crowd.Make them replace the tank,load it up with rock and buy you your dream corals.
I'd kick some AGA ass.
Thanks everyone.....I'm still in a bit of shock.I mean,what is this a once in a million chance of ever happening with a new tank.I've have a better chance of winning the lottery.Thanks to all of you,I'm not going away just yet at least.They are replacing the tank and stand but I still didn't get an answer to when I would get it.AGA said they needed to check there closest distributor.Like how long should that take?Time is ticking away,wait on a new tank/stand to arrive.Let it cycle YET again.Boy, my corals could be in holding tanks for at least another month.This sucks,really,really sucks.

I'll be back...don't know when but I'll be back.I sounded like the Governator,huh?
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If you use the same sand and rocks, you shouldn't see much of a cycle... I didn't see a cycle with mine, and I used all new sand and all new water.
Dominick, Im so sorry to hear this happened to you. its all of our worst nightmares. I get worried about mine all the time, not that i have a reason but becasue its sooooo massive. Im glad to hear you caught it in time, but am really saddened to hear it happened. I remember when i got im my motorcycle accident i swore i would stop riding, instead i gained respect for the sport and treated it with a more level head... not exactly the same thing where i was being stupid and you were doing nothing wrong, but i guess what im getting at is you may need a little time to think if its really something you want to get completely out of. wish i had more coral to send you if you needed it. i would be happy, sadly about the only thing i have big enough is a kenya tree haha. I respect all of your knowledge and hope you stick around and continue to enjoy the hobby. if not i understand
dude, THAT SUX !! i hope you decide to stay around though. i have not been here long, but i enjoy a lot of the posts and advise that you offer here.
If you use the same sand and rocks, you shouldn't see much of a cycle... I didn't see a cycle with mine, and I used all new sand and all new water.

I said ''cycle'' maybe sterile is a better choice of words.Do you think 40g, of the original saltwater and the rest new plus the sand will be okay?All I need now is have corals melt and crash the system.That definitely would be the nail in the coffin.We will see how it goes.Looking back at the time right before getting this All-Glass tank-I originally was going to go Oceanic 220.I shouldn't went with my gut instincts.FYI,AGA has a 2 year warranty and Oceanic has a life time warranty.Now I know Oceanic is worth the extra money.
Yeah its complicated Yote.

All- Glass is now Aqueon which is owned by Central Pets which owns Oceanic also.Confusing?

Oceanic is a much better tank maker,obviously because they cost a lot more.Everything Oceanic builds is either ''to order'' or custom.Shoulda got the Starphire 220 reef ready.