Reef's 210g. Journal

It must be something to do with some of us east of the Rockies....farther from the west coast where most of the livestock comes in.What Lion posted is about right around here.I've already been talking To the LFS about pricing on Tangs.They can't get me a Blue Eye Kole so maybe a Desjardini Sailfin instead.Tomorrow I will call to see how much.The 2Doc's wants $30 for a small,not bad if I add more stuff which I don't really want to do.

All size small from LFS here
$75-Purple Tang
$60-Powder Blue or Brown
Biff they must of seen you coming a mile away.

Maybe I should go ahead and get a trio of Yellow tangs.Thats the only tang I ever see around here....and at $20-25 isn't to shabby.
I forgot he is a shrink,doctors all get better prices.

When I lived in Nashville the LFS would get new shipments on Thursday.All the doctors and lawyers would be the first people there when LFS received their shipment.They would pluck a $1000 worth of corals while I got the slim picking afterwords.''Er...I take that $10 frag of GSP right there''.
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no, I just seek for cheap deals on fish and wait til the right moment to use my mental powers.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
too bad I don't have that kind of cash to blow on crap at the fish store. I am happy with a $30 coral once every few weeks. I do have 5 kids to feed afterall.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I think that starving your kids and making them go without shoes and toothpaste will toughen them up for the rough road of life that lies ahead. Best little Timmy learns that he can't always have everything he wants early on, instead of, say, when he's a spoiled snot nosed 18 year old college freshman in Biffy's Intro to Environmental Science class... Please starve your kids now. I don't want to be the person to have to slap them across the face with the 'real world' down the road. You bred. Now do your job. Parent. Blow your cash on something other than your children. They will thank you for it later, I promise.
One thing for sure kids are expensive. But once you make it through their college years you'll have extra money. I'm living proof. I never realized how much money we used to put them through college until we didn't have to any more. I for one did not spoil my kids. They had to buy their first car while their friends got them for their birthdays. The day I knew we made the right decision was when my daughter bought her first car and said I'm glad you didn't get me my first car I learned what it's like to save for something and the feeling it give you. So just remember someday even though it maybe years fom now you'll be able to spurge on your tank.
Are there people in your intro to environmental science giving you trouble biff? "Why do you make me think about the answer when you know the answer and you can tell me?" type of kids?
thanks for the advice Biff, kinda like the child psychologists who do not have kids. :mrgreen:

I totally make my kids suffer. I spend plenty of cash on my tanks, which is why they look better than yours. :shock: oops, that just slipped out. Sorry, I don't really think that.

Kids are great and I would not trade any of them for all the live rock and angelfish in the world. Luckily, I have found the way to blend spending money on me, my wife, my kids and my tanks.

I do agree with you Biff, that kids today are WAYYYYY too entitled. I work with rich snots all the time who need, um, some personality correction. I am glad to help them with that.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
ITS OFFICIAL!l-I'm getting out of the reefing business and I'll explain why.

The most unbelievable thing happen last night.While I was conversing with Biff and Dr. Marco on here at 3 in the morning my tank sprung a leak and a fast one.Last night I heard the water pump making a racket,the pump was running dry.I open the door to see a steady stream of water dripping from the underside.Hoping it was just the bulkhead leaking but OH NO,it end of being the bottom seal.I'm frustrated,aggravated to the point that I just don't feel like going through something like this again.Yes,they will replace the tank and stand but what then?Do I risk it leaking again? I don't even know how long before a new tank would arrive.Sorry,it just wasn't meant to be.It was great getting to know everyone but I'm at that level where I can't go through this again.

I'm finish,I quit,its over!:frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::frustrat::sniffles::sniffles:




OMG, Dominick, I am SOOOO sorry. That is TERRIBLE. I am in total shock. My wife and I read your post and feel SOOOO bad. Is there anything I can do? I would hate to see a person as gifted as you leave the hobby totally. I understand the need to grieve, though. It is the worst nightmare for a tank owner. Did you lose all of your livestock and corals? I know you still have a tank in storage and I am more than willing to frag all my corals and mail them to you if you are in need. Please PM me if there is anything I can do for you. I want to help you if I can. Take some time away from the hobby to get your bearings, if you need to, but please keep in touch with me.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
OMG that is terrible. That happened to me once, but it was a ten gallon at the time. The side seal broke and it basically leaked all over my carpet. At like 2 in the morning i hear "drip drip drip." I am so sorry. The tank below the main looks beautiful in the first picture.. I hope the house didnt sustain too much damage?
OMG I am so sorry to hear about your tank. I hope you decide to continue with the hobby. We all can agree it's full of suprises. You got to jump right back on the horse. You know you'll miss it if you don't.
Sorry to hear about your tank-aster, Freak. Don't give up because of this. You just bought all this new equipment! You can get back in the game. This isn't the end of it. Your setup was brand new. You can get it back again in no time.