Reef's 210g. Journal


Well no not really....I have a few new additions I like to show.

I have a trio of Barlett's,one male which looks like a super male with streamers and two females.I originally was going with four females but two disappeared from the LFS.They believed they jumped but I believe they sold my :pooh:!I couldn't get pics of the females,they seem a bit shy but did come out from the rocks to feed.



A few random corals I haven't posted.
Hydnophora,palys and a bleach colt.I guess my lights are much stronger than I realize.




I had to make up for not getting the two additional female Bartlett's so I bought two Gold Stripe Maroons.Silly me thinking they would be alright with the Clarks.The female took one in her mouth and act like it was trying to feed the brain.I didn't realize she was so vicious.I end up putting both Maroons in the fuge but one didn't make it and the one that did seems to be okay except a chunk was taken out of her tail.Yes Biff,I did a Jellyman(inside joke).


Lastly,my entry to TOTM pic.

Like all women,I knew you would remember Biff.

Lion,I already entered the full tank think I should of enter the hydnophora instead?

I just spend $40 a pop for those Bartlett's.Somebody better say they are pretty or they are off the hizzy or something damn it!Sorry.I'm still feeling pissy from trying to catch clowns and just a while ago I couldn't find the female Bartlett's.
i went to reefcentrals vendors website and asked tom from aquactnics and someone also replied from premium aquatics were i ordered it.
reeffreek . I would change the potm ,
Not that the FTS isnt great, it is, that shot tho , man it is a good 1 ,

the bartlets are very cool as well.
Thanks everyone,I feel better now.

Biff,I can't find one of the females,I fear the worst.Well,I'm thinking of getting a tang or two to make me feel better.I know Doc mentioned to only get one tang from each of the families.Anybody know what family to start looking at first......Acanthurus,Ctenochaetos,Zebrasoma etc.?